The sky started to clear, hazy day is almost over, raining season is coming, it is getting cooler, not winter but nice cooling weather.Many good things is going to happen, with God grace and His blessing, we will be happy.
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Wisdom Quote-if you are 60 years old
1)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:在愛的世界裡, 沒有誰對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。
2)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:事業有成時要珍惜自己的身體, 事業無成時要讓自己更健康。
3)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:有個懂你的人,是最大的幸福, 沒有懂你的人,就自己懂自己吧。
4)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:好朋友是應該相互欣賞的, 而不是相互利用的。
5)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:飯應一口一口吃, 事要一點一點做。沒有一蹴而就的事情,凡事都有個過程。 不要整日疲於奔命,應該活得從容。
6)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:光從容還是不夠的, 適當的時候還是要秀一下自己,讓平淡的日子亮起來。
7)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:任何事物都具有兩重性, 有時候甚至沒有對錯。您以為錯的,在別人看來或許是對的。 而您竭盡全力為之奮鬥的,卻很有可能正是別人擺脫和拋棄的。
8)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:生活品質的優劣, 完全取決於自己的心態。珍饈美味、 杯晃交錯間如果掩映的是爾虞我詐,則遠不如“三五知己坐, 淡茶話家常。”
9)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:親情的疏離是切膚的傷痛。 淡一些、諒 一些、忍一些,會使我們的心寬一 些、和一些、暖一些。
10)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白: 對待父母再不可做薄養厚葬的傻事了, 他們那一輩人受的磨礪太多了,善待他們就是善待我們的良心。 其實大多的時候他們根本就不需要你的榮華, 每天打1個電話或問他們一個年輕時的故事, 然後耐心地聽他們講完,他們就很知足了。
11)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白: 地位和榮譽只不過是一個杯子, 而您的修養和品性才是你杯中的東西。 夜光杯中未必盛的就是葡萄美酒,也可能是一杯濁水。 粗瓷盞裡未見得就是白開水,很可能悶的是一盞極品龍井。
12)如果你六十幾歲了,就該明白:您的生活應該是淡定、從容、 健康而幸福!
照顧好自己的身子,對自己健康負責,世界上所有| 東西都不是你自己的、唯有身子才是你自己的。
Friday, October 30, 2015
Pete 70th Birthday
Monday, August 10, 2015
Holiday outing
Sharon and I go for a walk from Henderson wave to Mt Faber.
It was a nice bonding time, we walk, we talk , we had meal together..beautiful !
May God bless us always.
Thank you Lord!
It was a nice bonding time, we walk, we talk , we had meal together..beautiful !
May God bless us always.
Thank you Lord!
At the starting from Telok Blangah Hill |
Lunch at Mt Faber |
At the end of the walk , I was left behind |
SG 50 cable car |
half way view |
view from Mt Faber |
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Pentecost Sunday
Do not let yourself guided by the spirit of self-indulgence,
look at the legacy of self-indulgence produces: bad temper, fighting, jealousy,cruelty, meanness, revenge, fornication, idolatry, drunkenness.
These are ugly things, and make life miserable.
Rather let yourself be guided by the spirit of God.
Look at the legacy the spirit brings:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
These are beautiful things and make life joyful.
They are foretaste of the joy of heaven.
Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us.
look at the legacy of self-indulgence produces: bad temper, fighting, jealousy,cruelty, meanness, revenge, fornication, idolatry, drunkenness.
These are ugly things, and make life miserable.
Rather let yourself be guided by the spirit of God.
Look at the legacy the spirit brings:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
These are beautiful things and make life joyful.
They are foretaste of the joy of heaven.
Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 9
Day 9 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: SELF-CONTROL
O God, help me to bear in my life the fruit of SELF-CONTROL.
Self-control doesn’t come easily to me. Please forgive me for the times I have said and done things rashly. Please remind me to consider self-control as “God-control” – not trying to control myself with human effort, but rather depending on You to fill me with the Holy Spirit so I can be self-controlled. I ask that You would make that supernatural change in me so I can keep in step with the Holy Spirit. My desire is to have the fruit of Your Spirit evident in my life, especially self-control. Please remind me to go to You when I am tempted, as I know Your promise to “strengthen me and provide a way so that I can overcome my temptations” (1 Corinthians 10:13). Thank you for promising Your Holy Spirit to all who ask (Luke 11:13)! As I wake each morning, please remind me to ask for a fresh in-filling of Your Holy Spirit. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Praise and thanks be to God!
O God, help me to bear in my life the fruit of SELF-CONTROL.
Self-control doesn’t come easily to me. Please forgive me for the times I have said and done things rashly. Please remind me to consider self-control as “God-control” – not trying to control myself with human effort, but rather depending on You to fill me with the Holy Spirit so I can be self-controlled. I ask that You would make that supernatural change in me so I can keep in step with the Holy Spirit. My desire is to have the fruit of Your Spirit evident in my life, especially self-control. Please remind me to go to You when I am tempted, as I know Your promise to “strengthen me and provide a way so that I can overcome my temptations” (1 Corinthians 10:13). Thank you for promising Your Holy Spirit to all who ask (Luke 11:13)! As I wake each morning, please remind me to ask for a fresh in-filling of Your Holy Spirit. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Praise and thanks be to God!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 8
Day 8 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: FAITHFULNESS
Heavenly Father, I desire to remain faithful to You all the days of my life. Let the Holy Spirit fill me with His presence and help me bear in my life the fruit of FAITHFULNESS. I join with others of the Christian faith who hold unswervingly to the hope I profess and encourage one another on toward love and good deeds. Disappointments, seemingly unanswered prayers, loved ones who oppose me, spiritual lethargy, temptations and trials pull at my heart and tempt me to look back just like the Israelites who were freed from slavery. They who greatly rejoiced at their new found freedom found themselves longing to return after the going got tough. Give me strength and a firm resolve to plough through the hard soil and bumpy rocks of my life all the while fixing my eyes on my eternal dwelling place which I keep hope in Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Lord and my Savior. It is in His name that I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen
Heavenly Father, I desire to remain faithful to You all the days of my life. Let the Holy Spirit fill me with His presence and help me bear in my life the fruit of FAITHFULNESS. I join with others of the Christian faith who hold unswervingly to the hope I profess and encourage one another on toward love and good deeds. Disappointments, seemingly unanswered prayers, loved ones who oppose me, spiritual lethargy, temptations and trials pull at my heart and tempt me to look back just like the Israelites who were freed from slavery. They who greatly rejoiced at their new found freedom found themselves longing to return after the going got tough. Give me strength and a firm resolve to plough through the hard soil and bumpy rocks of my life all the while fixing my eyes on my eternal dwelling place which I keep hope in Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Lord and my Savior. It is in His name that I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 7
Day 7 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: GENTLENESS
Lord God, You want me to learn from You, Gentleness of heart.
No matter how I fail you, Your gentleness never fails me. You are slow to anger; Your kindness is without limit. You tell me not to be distressed, to make Your gentleness my own so that my soul may find rest. Give me the wisdom to make time in my day for a gentle nursing of my soul. Free me from arrogance, from goals too sublime for me. Still and quiet my soul as a mother quiets the little ones on her lap. Free me from the need for achievement. Make my life less forceful, more gentle,
centered in You alone. Let the splendor of Your presence, light up my day-to-day living. Make me a smooth channel for the outflow of Your Divine Will in this world and to acknowledge my need for Your Spirit to dwell in me. Please remind me often of Your gentle grace and prompt me to offer Your love and forgiveness to others. I make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Lord God, You want me to learn from You, Gentleness of heart.
No matter how I fail you, Your gentleness never fails me. You are slow to anger; Your kindness is without limit. You tell me not to be distressed, to make Your gentleness my own so that my soul may find rest. Give me the wisdom to make time in my day for a gentle nursing of my soul. Free me from arrogance, from goals too sublime for me. Still and quiet my soul as a mother quiets the little ones on her lap. Free me from the need for achievement. Make my life less forceful, more gentle,
centered in You alone. Let the splendor of Your presence, light up my day-to-day living. Make me a smooth channel for the outflow of Your Divine Will in this world and to acknowledge my need for Your Spirit to dwell in me. Please remind me often of Your gentle grace and prompt me to offer Your love and forgiveness to others. I make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 6
Day 6 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: GOODNESS
O God of all infinite goodness, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in my heart the love of your Name; increase in me true faith and the knowledge of Holy Scripture; nourish me with all goodness; and bring forth in me the fruit of goodness in all my actions. Help me to be a good example for everyone I meet in my life. I make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God of all infinite goodness, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in my heart the love of your Name; increase in me true faith and the knowledge of Holy Scripture; nourish me with all goodness; and bring forth in me the fruit of goodness in all my actions. Help me to be a good example for everyone I meet in my life. I make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
What is prayer
Prayer is the raising of the mind to God. When we pray we go to meet Christ, who is coming to us. If our Creator and Savior comes from heaven with such great love, it is only fitting that we should go to meet Him. And this is what we do when we spend some time in prayer.
- Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444), Feast day May 20
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Novena to the Holy Spirit 5
Day 5 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: KINDNESS
O God, our Father, help me to bear the fruit of KINDNESS. With the Holy Spirit’s counsel may You show me what to do or to avoid, and therefore encourage me to be kind and considerate, ready to do good to all with whom I may come in contact. Make me quick to see what I can do for others, and make me eager and willing to do it. Make me always obliging and always willing to lend a hand. Help me never to be mean, but always to be ready to share everything I have, even if it is little. Help me, never to speak unkind words and never to do cruel deeds. Help me to think the best of others, and always be willing to forgive rather than to condemn. Help me to be as kind to others as I would wish them to be to me. Hear my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God, our Father, help me to bear the fruit of KINDNESS. With the Holy Spirit’s counsel may You show me what to do or to avoid, and therefore encourage me to be kind and considerate, ready to do good to all with whom I may come in contact. Make me quick to see what I can do for others, and make me eager and willing to do it. Make me always obliging and always willing to lend a hand. Help me never to be mean, but always to be ready to share everything I have, even if it is little. Help me, never to speak unkind words and never to do cruel deeds. Help me to think the best of others, and always be willing to forgive rather than to condemn. Help me to be as kind to others as I would wish them to be to me. Hear my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 4
Day 4 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: - PATIENCE
O God, give me in my life the fruit of PATIENCE.
Let the Holy Spirit strengthen me with the gift of fortitude so that I may not be discouraged by any obstacle in the path of virtue, but humbly and willingly submit to the crosses and trials of this life. Help me to have patience at my work, so that I will never give in but always persevere. Help me to have patience with people, so that I may never lose my temper and never grow cross or irritable, or blaze into angry words. Help me to have patience when things are slow to come and slow to happen. Help me to have patience not to give up, when something takes a long time to do. Help me to remember that everything worth doing is hard to do; that everything worth getting is hard to get and that through my perseverance and endurance I will become the person You want me to be. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. Amen. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instruct the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, let His light shine upon us so that may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God, give me in my life the fruit of PATIENCE.
Let the Holy Spirit strengthen me with the gift of fortitude so that I may not be discouraged by any obstacle in the path of virtue, but humbly and willingly submit to the crosses and trials of this life. Help me to have patience at my work, so that I will never give in but always persevere. Help me to have patience with people, so that I may never lose my temper and never grow cross or irritable, or blaze into angry words. Help me to have patience when things are slow to come and slow to happen. Help me to have patience not to give up, when something takes a long time to do. Help me to remember that everything worth doing is hard to do; that everything worth getting is hard to get and that through my perseverance and endurance I will become the person You want me to be. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. Amen. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instruct the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, let His light shine upon us so that may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 3
Day 3 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: - PEACE
O God, let me bear in my life the fruit of PEACE.
Let the Holy Spirit enlighten me with the gift of understanding in all my life's situations. Help me to take things calmly. Help me not to worry but to take things as they come, one day at a time. Help me not to be nervous but be steady and calm, when I have something difficult or important to do. Help me never to lose my temper, no matter how annoying things or people may be and always willing to help others in their needs. This I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. Amen. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instruct the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, let His light shine upon us so that may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God, let me bear in my life the fruit of PEACE.
Let the Holy Spirit enlighten me with the gift of understanding in all my life's situations. Help me to take things calmly. Help me not to worry but to take things as they come, one day at a time. Help me not to be nervous but be steady and calm, when I have something difficult or important to do. Help me never to lose my temper, no matter how annoying things or people may be and always willing to help others in their needs. This I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. Amen. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal Father, You instruct the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, let His light shine upon us so that may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
novena to Holy Spirit 2
Day 2 of Novena to The Holy Spirit: JOY
O God, give me in my life the fruit of JOY. Help me always to be happy and cheerful. Help me always to smile even when things go wrong. Help me always to look on the bright side of things, and always to remember that, even when things are at their worst, there is still something to be thankful for. Don’t let me grumble and complain, don’t let me be a pessimist and a wet blanket. And help me to find my happiness, not in doing what I want but in doing what you want, and not in thinking of myself, but in thinking of others.
I ask this through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God, give me in my life the fruit of JOY. Help me always to be happy and cheerful. Help me always to smile even when things go wrong. Help me always to look on the bright side of things, and always to remember that, even when things are at their worst, there is still something to be thankful for. Don’t let me grumble and complain, don’t let me be a pessimist and a wet blanket. And help me to find my happiness, not in doing what I want but in doing what you want, and not in thinking of myself, but in thinking of others.
I ask this through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth.
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
Friday, May 15, 2015
Novena to Holy Spirit 1
O God, give me in my life the fruit of LOVE.
Help me to love you, so much that I will never forget all that you have given me and all that you have done for me. Help me always to remember that you gave me life and everything that makes life worth living, and that you gave me Jesus to be my friend, my examples, my master, and my Saviour. Help me to love my fellow men so much that I will no longer be selfish and self-centered, but that I will find the way to happiness in doing things for others. This I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
O God, give me in my life the fruit of LOVE.
Help me to love you, so much that I will never forget all that you have given me and all that you have done for me. Help me always to remember that you gave me life and everything that makes life worth living, and that you gave me Jesus to be my friend, my examples, my master, and my Saviour. Help me to love my fellow men so much that I will no longer be selfish and self-centered, but that I will find the way to happiness in doing things for others. This I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer for Everyday of The Novena:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit, and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of the earth. 1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary. 1 Glory Be.
LET US PRAY: O God Eternal, You instructed the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit. Give us the same Spirit under His Divine Inspiration, may we have a sense of what is true and a taste for what is good, and so always experience the fruit of His consolation. We ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
Let us praise the Lord! Thanks be to God!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Novena to the Holy Spirit
Prologue of the Novena to The Holy Spirit
(1) “Come, O Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Holy Trinity. The Divine Spirit is the Spirit of Love and Holiness and this fully expresses His Divine Personality. The Divine Mission of the Holy Spirit, proceeding through the Son from the Father, is sent on earth to redeem mankind and merit for men Divine grace, that is, to sanctify men. We thank Him for all He is doing for us; for He is our Sanctifier.
(2) If the Holy Spirit has been sent, why ask Him to come? The reason is this: God gave us freedom, and He so respects this gift that He does nothing in our regard against our own free will. God will not save us unless we, of our own free will, desire it. Therefore, although the Holy Spirit has been sent to us, He will not come to abide with us, unless we are willing to receive Him and say to Him with all humility: “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill my soul with Your Divine Presence.”
(3) “And from heaven send forth of Your light one ray.” When the Holy Spirit bestows upon us His grace, He first illumines our mind to show us what to do or to avoid, and then moves and strengthens our will, so that, of our own free will, we may do what we know to be right. Under the influence of God, the Holy Spirit, our mind is enlightened, our heart is set on fire with Divine charity, our soul is enabled to bring forth fruits of virtue and good works, and our entire being is, in consequence, flooded with peace and joy in the Lord.
(1) “Come, O Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Holy Trinity. The Divine Spirit is the Spirit of Love and Holiness and this fully expresses His Divine Personality. The Divine Mission of the Holy Spirit, proceeding through the Son from the Father, is sent on earth to redeem mankind and merit for men Divine grace, that is, to sanctify men. We thank Him for all He is doing for us; for He is our Sanctifier.
(2) If the Holy Spirit has been sent, why ask Him to come? The reason is this: God gave us freedom, and He so respects this gift that He does nothing in our regard against our own free will. God will not save us unless we, of our own free will, desire it. Therefore, although the Holy Spirit has been sent to us, He will not come to abide with us, unless we are willing to receive Him and say to Him with all humility: “Come, Holy Spirit! Fill my soul with Your Divine Presence.”
(3) “And from heaven send forth of Your light one ray.” When the Holy Spirit bestows upon us His grace, He first illumines our mind to show us what to do or to avoid, and then moves and strengthens our will, so that, of our own free will, we may do what we know to be right. Under the influence of God, the Holy Spirit, our mind is enlightened, our heart is set on fire with Divine charity, our soul is enabled to bring forth fruits of virtue and good works, and our entire being is, in consequence, flooded with peace and joy in the Lord.
Friday, May 01, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
How can we know God's will?
Mark 3:31-35
How can we know God's will?
How can we know God's will?
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus states that anyone who does the will of God is a mother or sister or brother to him. The responsorial Psalm has us declaring, "Here am I Lord (not someone else -- me!); I come to do your will." But how can we be sure we know what is the will of God for us? Here are seven ways that God communicates it:
- AUDIBLE VOICE OF GOD: Some people have heard God speaking to them audibly. However, this form of communication is rare and should never be expected, waited for, or trusted by itself.
- DIRECT VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: For most of us, the direct voice of God sounds like our own thoughts. It's possible to carry on real conversations with God using our imaginations, but it's difficult to know how much is only our imaginations and how much is God. Thus, we must always ask the Holy Spirit to bless and purify our imaginations.
- INNER PEACE: Whether we're struggling to discern correct decisions or we’re making them instantaneously, we should always remember to pause and ask the Holy Spirit: "What's going on? Who or what is pushing me into this?" The driving force may seem logical, the people recommending it may sound rational, but if there is no inner peace, don't trust it.
- RIGHT PRIORITIES: Feeling peace is not the same as feeling good. It's natural to feel good about a wrong decision when our human desires are saying, "I want to do this!" And even good ideas are not always God's idea. Which choice best serves the kingdom of God? Which one strengthens our relationship with God? Which one is considerate of our own needs while at the same time respectfully cares about the needs of others?
- SCRIPTURE: Everything we hear from the Lord will be completely in agreement with the Bible, but this means we have to build up a good understanding of what’s in the Bible. We can purify our discernment and our interpretation of inner voices by studying scriptures, but if we take verses out of context, we'll use them to prove anything. It's important to learn the Bible and its message as a whole.
- CIRCUMSTANCES: When patterns occur or "coincidences" keep happening, we need to stop and ask, "Lord, what are you trying to tell me?" God prepares the way for us to do what he asks of us, and everything generally falls into place. When we keep hitting walls (i.e., circumstances that feel like closed doors) God might be telling us to move in a different direction. However, obstacles are often really opportunities to trust God more and take a leap of faith. We cannot trust our interpretation of circumstances alone.
- SIGNS: Scripture says that if we are living according to the will of God, signs and wonders will follow. Notice: they follow. We aren't wonder-seekers, we're God-seekers. The devil can put up misleading signs to send us off in wrong directions. True signs are the good fruits that are produced by following the leadings of Jesus
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