Saturday, April 30, 2005

God's help Posted by Hello


I was reading Proverbs yesterday at the adoration room, the following verses are very meaningful:

Provb 16:1 We may make our plans, but God has the last word.

Provb 16:3 Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be
successful in carrying them out.

Provb 27:1 Never boast about tomorrow. You don't know what
will happen between now and then.

Provb 27:10 A nearby neighbor can help you more than
relatives who are far away

Provb 27 :12 Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it,
but an unthinking person will walk right into it
and regret it later

Building A Better Marriage (3)

Be willing to listen. James 1:19

Have you seen the t-shirt that says, "I'm talking and I can't shut up!

"Whenever you're dating you can talk for hours. But when you're married,unless you work at it, conversation sometimes becomes superficial andleads to disagreements.

God says, "Be willing to listen and slow to speak."

There is an art to communicating.

(1) Let your mate lead. When they're talking about things outside yourfield of interest, remember, God said, "submit to one another" (Ephesians 5:21 ). Sometimes that means asking your partner, "What do you want to talk about?"

(2) Shorter can be better. "Honey, can we talk for a few minutes" is less threatening than the ominous "We need to talk" announcement! Some people can only stand so much 'soul-baring', and pressuring them just gets the wrong result. If your spouse is unresponsive on an issue,discuss it with a trusted friend; then give your spouse the condensed,less emotional version.

(3) Be a friend, not a mentor. Don't try to change your mate by nagging.If you begin with, "Why can't you?" or, "Why do you always...?" you sound more like a parent than a partner. Tell them once what's bothering you,not 1,000 times! Ask yourself, "Would I say this to a valued friend?" If not, don't say it.

(4) Be affirming. It takes twelve compliments to neutralize one criticism. Your partner won't know how wonderful they are unless you tell them!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Building A Better Marriage (2)

Live in... harmony. Romans 15:5

Jean Kerr says, "Getting married is like buying something you've admired for ages in a shop window. You love it, but when you get it home it doesn't always go with everything!"

Paul says, "Live in...harmony."

Hereare three suggestions:

(1) Stay teachable. Solomon says, "Answering before listening is...stupid and rude" ( Proverbs 18:13 ).

Keep an open mind. Don't form your response while your mate is still talking. The Bible says, "Do not merely look out for your own...interests, but also for the interests of others" ( Philippians 2:4 ).

Never become so entrenched in your position that you don't consider your mate's viewpoint.
Listening is about connecting and acknowledging where the other person's coming from.

(2) Keep humour alive. God says, "A cheerful heart brings a smile...asad heart makes it hard to get through the day" ( Proverbs 15:13 ).

When you're experiencing money woes, family problems, illness or plain old exhaustion, humour eases the tension and restores perspective.

(3) Eliminate the "D" word.

Although God permits divorce under certain circumstances it's never His ideal. One couple that worked through their marriage troubles said,
"We're glad we didn't give up during the difficult years. We hung in long enough to realize that it really can get better with time."

By committing to work on the relationship, no matter how things ultimately end up, you'll never regret your efforts.

Building A Better Marriage (1)

Use your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Philippians 1:9-10

A woman awoke one night to find her husband wasn't in the bed. She found him in the kitchen looking very serious so she asked,

"What's going on?"He replied,

"Remember in high school when your dad caught us kissing and said if I didn't marry you immediately he'd make sure I was jailed for 20years?
Well, I'm sitting here thinking - I'd have gotten out of jail today!
" Seriously, a strong marriage means falling in love over and over again - with the same person!

The Bible says make sure "your love is...not sentimental gush."

You do that by working through the challenges.

Here are some thoughts to help you:

(1) Recharge your batteries regularly. It's impossible to escape marital stress but you can control it by taking breaks from the daily grind.
Take a walk together, throw a Frisbee, have a coffee together, do whatever"reconnects" you. And tell your children you're taking a time-out!

(2) Keep talking. Even though something seems obvious to you, don't assume your mate can read your mind. And never resort to "the silent treatment." Tell them what's bothering you, even if it means working through a disagreement. It's when you don't care enough to disagree,that you need to worry!

(3) Be open to counsel. The Bible says, "Pride...breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice" ( Proverbs 13:10 NIV). When you reach a stalemate get input from a trusted friend or counsellor,before it becomes a crisis.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Laying down your life for Jesus

John 15:12- 17


In today's Gospel reading, Jesus emphasizes that he has chosen us to be his friends.

HE chose YOU!

He looked at you and said to the Father, "I want be close friends with this one!

"Slaves serve their masters out of fear and duty.
Friends serve each other because they care.
Jesus doesn't want us to serve him with the "do it or else"fear of punishment. Nor does he want us to serve him out of obligation and duty.
Rather, he wants us to realize that he's here to serve us, because he cares about us.
Then, because we love him so much, we want to serve him.
And in loving him we love everyone whom he loves, and we want to serve them as he serves them!
Jesus and you are friends partnering together to make the world a better place.
Jesus summarized all the commandments in one sentence:

"Love one another as I love you."

Do you obey God because you love OTHERS? Do you obey Church teachings because you love others?
We are friends of Jesus to the extent that we love everyone whom he loves and to the extent that we serve them as he serves them,for he serves them not only with us but through us.

This of course means doing good to everyone, even the evil-doers who bring trouble to our lives.
Loving means caring; it does not mean putting up with evil.
Do you pray forthose who've made you suffer?
Not this kind of prayer: "Get 'em God! Make themsuffer like they made me suffer." Instead, do you ask God to heal their souls and bless them with his mercy?

If they don't repent, they will reap what they sow and suffer terrible consequences.

Do you care?

Jesus is our example of how to serve the sinner while stopping the sins. It can be our most difficult sacrifice, but by uniting ourselves to Jesus and his way of handling sinners, we obey the Father just like Jesus did.

Then, whatever we ask the Father in his name (i.e., while united to Jesus), it will be given to us.

This is a fact, because when we unite ourselves to Jesus, we won't ever ask for anything that is not already the Father's will for us!

And thus, Jesus gets another opportunity to serve us, to his great delight.If we want to grow deeper in our love relationship with God, we will serve our friend Jesus by serving those around us, because we care. In friendship, Jesus serves us as we walk the extra mile to Calvary for the sake of others.

Love is the bottom line and top priority of every decision we make and every action wetake, even if it doesn't seem right in our limited brains and wounded hearts.

This is how we lay down our lives for our friend Jesus.

Homily of the Day

Title: Let Him Tend Your Garden
Acts 15:1-6 / Jn 15:1-8

Not everyone has a “green thumb” and most of us can’t even keep a house plant alive and happy for more than a few months. But there is something wonderful about watching a talented gardener at work, snipping, pruning, watering, fertilizing — nurturing something alive and helping it to thrive.

“I wish someone could do that for me,” we may hear ourselves sigh.

Jesus answers that silent wish in today’s gospel. He tells us that God our Father is the one who wants to do precisely that for all of us. What better mentor could we have than the Loving One who sees all and knows all and who dwells permanently at the center of our being?
He speaks to us through the silence, from deep within. And for those who have learned to listen and to trust him, wisdom, peace, and joy await. At every juncture, he will guide our hand to the good, and will show us the way to draw forth the good even from evil.

Let him tend your garden.
Let him be your mentor.
It will change your life.

Five Keys To Good Relationships

Don't think only about your own affairs... be interested in others.
Philippians 2:4

It's too easy to "think only about your own affairs." But God says, "Be interested in others."

Here are five ways to do that:

(1) Give them a push! Barnabas became known as a great encourager because he "encouraged the believers" ( Acts 11:23 NLT). What happens when you push a child on a swing? Eventually they start doing it themselves. They just needed a little help to get going. Even a smile can work wonders. Job said, "When they were discouraged, I smiled... My look of approval was precious to them" ( Job 29:24 NLT).

(2) Honour your word! The Bible says, "In the last shall be...truce-breakers" ( 2 Timothy 3:1-3). But you don't have to fulfilthat prophecy! If you say you'll do it, do it! Character is measured by action not words, so be someone whose word has meaning.

(3) Hold your tongue! Always say less than you think. Remember, "A fool utters all his mind...a wise man keeps it in" ( Proverbs 29:11). And since how you speak is as important as what you say, always be kind and courteous.

(4) Be cheerful! Solomon said, "A cheerful heart brings a smile...a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day" ( Proverbs 15:13 TM). Don't dump your problems and disappointments on others; take them to God in prayer.

(5) Show genuine interest! The Bible says, "Laugh...when they're happy;share tears when they're down" ( Romans 12:15-16 TM). But you can only do that by taking the time to find out what's going on in their world

Jesus I Trust in You Posted by Hello

AT the Cross Road again

Monthly coaching yesterday with GMR, I was not really feeling good to meet him, but it is the rule of the company that i must go for coaching every month!
I really have to think seriouly about my future!

Where am I heading to? What am I going to do? How can I do?


I need a guide, God please send me an guidance angel, lead me the way, what should I do?

Jesus I Trust in You!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Feel Good About Your Life

Feeling good about your life involves just two parts. Really!

One is to learn to think about yourself in healthy ways. This is a learned skill, not something that a lucky few were born with.

The second involves "making things happen". Seeing yourself being successful - at anything! - builds the blocks of contentment.

Use these ideas to help you feel good about your life, starting today.

Never stop questioning. Every time you feel frustrated with a task, ask yourself, "How does this task fit in with my ultimate goals?" Are your current priorities maximizing your potential or holding you back? Ask yourself "How can I do this better, faster, easier, simpler, and even more fun?"
Don't give up on life. Be interested and curious about yourself and about others. Don't assume that's "just the way it is". Look for the choices behind your results.
Accept your weakness.
Don't deceive yourself by thinking you're the only one with difficulties in their life.
Everybody has them (yes, everybody!). Instead of spending your time and energy trying to "overcome" your weakness, make friends with it and make it work for you.
Don't stop learning.
The brain is a muscle just like any other, and it will stagnate if you let it.
Make it your rule to learn something new every day.
Then use what you learn to make your life better.

Don't lie to yourself.
Telling lies to yourself is the most harmful form of disrespect.
Write out ways in which you are untruthful to yourself, and how to correct it. "I will no longer pretend that overspending my budget is ok".

Nurture what you want to grow. Many many people are (figuratively) wondering where the roses are in their life, yet they spend all their time planting and nourishing weeds.
You reap what you sow. That's just the way it is.

Don't live in the past.
Let go of things that are draining you.
There's nothing in the past that you can change or correct -- that can only be done in the present.
Use Today. Today, change what you need to change, and move on to feeling good about your life.

Swim with the current.
Don't waste your time complaining about what you can't control (weather, other people, economy).
Concentrate on what you can control, like who you hug, what you read, how much you laugh, where you go, what you do, what you think about.

Evil Spirits

Jesus assures us that evil spirits have no power over us
if we allow God’s power to protect us from harm,
heal us of our hurts and forgive us of our sins.

God is all powerful and evil spirits are powerless.
They can confuse and threaten us only
if our faith in God is weak.

Monday, April 25, 2005

God Bless You Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 24, 2005

POPE Benedict XVI

our new pope Benedictxvi Posted by Hello


You are a slave to whatever controls you.
2 Peter 2:19

I'm your constant companion, your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
Ipush you onward or drag you down.
I'm at your command. Half the things you do can be assigned to me and I'll do them quickly and correctly.
I'm easily managed - but you must be firm with me.
Show me exactly what you want done and after a few lessons I'll do it automatically.
Those who are great, I made great.
Those who are failures, I made failures.
I'm not a machine, although I work with the precision of one, plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin -it's doesn't matter.
Take me, train me, be firm with me and I'll place the world at your feet.
But be easy with me and I'll destroy you.

Who am I?


God's Word says, "You are a slave to whatever controls you."
Sinful habits rob you of the good things God has planned for you.
Habits are subtle. You get lulled into thinking
"It won't hurt to miss my prayer time this once,"
or, "I'll buy it and find the money to pay for it later,"
or "I'll just go into this chat room or rent that video, what harm will it do?"

What harm?


Give Satan an inch and he'll take a mile!

God knows every habit you're struggling with today and
He's made a way of escape - an exit strategy.

What is it?

Turning from temptation and running to the arms of the One Who can help you over come it.

Troubled Hearts

Jesus reminds us that we are easily troubled because we have not valued the Gospel Truth that He has taught us.

Our lives are often too distracted and frivolous.

We fret over things that do not last forever, and take lightly the Truth that has eternal value.

How true is this of me?


Recently, one of our sister in christ has been in trouble with something that is not her I sent her an encouragement message:


We serve a wonderful Lord who knows of our weaknesses and our frailties.The Lord is a comforter to the down-trodden and a strengthener towards those who feel weak in their spirits. Never allow yourself to question if God is by your side. He has promised in His Word that He would never leave usnor forsake us, but rather would be there to lift us up when we are low and encourage us to move forward even in the midst of us wanting to give up. Be encouraged to search the scriptures when you need to be strengthened for the Bible declares in

Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, anda light unto my path.

Trust the Lord in every area of your life and knowthat He has your best interest in mind, Always.

(Hebrews 13:5-6)

God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.What can man do to me?"


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

I hope you are blessed and encouraged by these message.

Sister-in Christ

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Friday, April 22, 2005

God's Gift Posted by Hello

Seven Wonders

1. To See
2. To Hear
3. To Touch
4. To Taste
5. To Feel
6. To Laugh
7. And to Love."

It is very true, without one of them, it seem not complete.. and the most important one is the No. 7............To Love..............

Today during the lunch time Mass, Father asked what is the most important commandment?

All quiet........... then he continue: I believed you all know what is it... To Love your God with all your heart, all your soul, love your neighbour as yourself.....

True... how to love yourself, it is another question? We are surround by too many things, worry too much about many things, and cannot let go, how little faith we have!

My faith is not strong enough, that is why I have the feeling of fear...fear that I have no money to pay bill, worry about my daughter , what will happen to her? But she is so confidence of herself, never worry about anything, I think it is time for me to let go...and let live... enjoy myself...

If you think you can, you can!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

..++:: to mom ::++..


I am sorry for the things i should have done but didn't do.
I am sorry for the things i shouldn't have done but did.
I am sorry for shouting at you when you were just showing me concern.
I am sorry for turning away from you when you wanted to love me more.
I am sorry for being ignorant when all you wanted was to show me the right way.
I am sorry for being childish when all you wanted was to protect me from dangers of others.
I am sorry mummy.

Mummy dearest,

I know you care for me.
I know you love me.
I know you want the best for me.
I know you are always there for me.
I know you need me.
I know you are hurt by my immature actions and thoughtless deeds.

But mummy,

I just want you to know that,

I understand how life works.
I understand why things go certain ways.
I understand why you want me to listen to you.
I understand Mummy.. i really do.

And mummy,

I won't leave you alone.
I won't go too far away from you.
I won't be led astray.
I won't be silly to give myself away to someone who will hurt me just to make him stay.
I won't do things that will hurt myself.
I won't do things that will make myself a fool.
I won't.. I won't..


Thank you for being there for me.
Thank you for guiding me.
Thank you for keeping me close by your side to make sure i am alright.
Thank you for cooking for me.
Thank you for making my morning Milo-s for me.
Thank you for waking up everyday.
Thank you for giving birth to me.
Thank you for making me see the things that the naked eye can't see.
Thank you for helping me to get thru life when it's the hardest for thee.
Thank you for doing laundry for me.
Thank you for making the house a home for me.
Thank you mummy for being my mummy.

Love ,


People are often unreasonable,
Illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
People may accuseYou of selfish motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,
You will win some false friends And some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
They may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you have anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
It is between you and God;

It never was between you and them anyway.

~Mother Teresa~

Monday, April 18, 2005

Passing The Torch

Make disciples of all... nations... teaching them to observe all... Icommanded you.Matthew 28:19-20

Pick up any newspaper and you'll realize that big corporations rise and fall on one thing - leadership. But leadership is also crucial in other areas of life like marriage, ministry, education and one's career. Each of these areas requires strategy, discipline, and initiative. Those who don't demonstrate these qualities usually end up helping others fulfiltheir dreams.

If Jesus' only goal on earth was to die for sin, why didn't He go directly from His Baptism in the Jordan to the cross?

Because for the next three years His intention was to plant the seeds of leadership inthe lives of those who'd ultimately carry His message to the world.Because of the principles Jesus taught, His disciples were fruitful longafter He'd departed. The Gospels are His training manuals; intense preparation for those who spent every day talking, sleeping, eating and travelling with Him, so they didn't miss an opportunity to learn abouttheir mission and the methods needed to fulfil it.Jesus said, "Make disciples of all...nations...teaching them to observeall...I commanded you." And do you know what? He wants you to use the gifts He's given you! Not just to shake up your kids' and grand kids' generations - but your own! Your best contribution to future generationsis the inspiration of watching you slay your giants and move your mountains. That way when it's their turn they can pray with confidence,"God, you've done impossible things in the past and You can still dothem today." What a legacy!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

DeStressing Your Life

The pressures of modern society can make life very distressing. We worry about our jobs, our children, our relationships, our health, and our financial security.

Occasionally, several problems can combine to bring about an emotional breakdown. That's why it's so important to regularly make time to de-stress your life.
Don't allow yourself to fall into protracted periods of intense strife and frustration, because that's when one's spirit starts to keel over from the burden. Here are some ways to de-stress your life:

Firstly, don't try to accomplish too many things at one time. Multi-tasking is a useful ability, but sometimes we may bite off more than we can chew. As a result, our attention is scattered and we end up doing nothing right. Focus on one thing, do it well, and move on to the next. The mind can be a nucleus of concentration or an aimless drifter. The wandering mind can pick up and retain lots of useless and destructive thoughts, so frequently clear your mind of such clutter.
Thoughts that initiate worry, envy or resentment won't help you become happier or become a better person. An important step to increasing happiness and reducing stress is to stop trying to please everyone.
Don't allow other people's remarks or opinion of you to lower your self-esteem. Simply because someone disapproves of you doesn't make you wrong or bad.

Work on pleasing yourself first before trying to please others.

And refuse to let fear determine your state of mind. Fear is a very spontaneous emotion and most of us can't help being afraid sometimes. But being fearful achieves nothing. It won't solve your problem. And we often miss out on the good and positive things in life because we were too busy being scared. There is no time to waste on fear. Whatever your predicament, face it bravely and constructively

Bear Bear under the sun Posted by Hello

Dream Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Be Still n Know that I am God Posted by Hello

All You Need Is A Seed!

If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain,'Move'... and it will.Matthew 17:20

When you're battling a mountain of sickness, debt, loneliness ordepression, it's easy to harbour self-defeating expectations about howthings will turn out based on your past experiences. Also, because welive in a "faithless and perverse generation" (v.17), it means constantly fighting the defeatist attitudes of our culture, media, theeducational system, the workplace, and even our friends. Unless you recognize this it can wear you down by diluting and polluting your faith. That's why you need to renew your faith daily by reading God'sWord.Notice that Jesus isn't referring in this verse to a mountain you encountered years ago, or some future issue. No, He said, "Say to this mountain." He wants you to exercise your faith today!

Listen again: "If you have faith as a mustard seed...nothing shall be impossible."

Amustard seed is so miniscule it can get stuck between your teeth! Yet the Bible says that although it's "the least of all seeds," under the right conditions it can grow into a tree big enough for the birds tonest in ( Matthew 13:32 NKJV).God-given faith is like a sleeping giant within each of us. When it awakens, miracles happen. If you've one atom of faith left, you have what you need to prevail. But this kind of faith only works when it becomes the language you speak and the attitude you maintain. The enemy doesn't want you to know that, because when you do, you won't just think about what's happening - you'll think about what's possible!

It is Friday , weekend is near

Not feeling good this afternoon, come home after the lunch time service.
Had my lunch at coffee shop , yummy fish bee hoon. Half way eating, a grandmother with a grandson join me, the grandson was very grouchy because he was sleepy, the grandmother threaten to throw him away if he continues to make noise, but this did not stop him and he cried even louder, gradma got no choice just tug in her rice, meanwhile the little one fell asleep on the table, just how wonderful a kid is, can sleep anywhere where he is tired, lalala...

After lunch, came home about 2 pm, took 2 panadol, rest till almost 5 so many dreams, just imagine how tired i was, i can't remember all the dreams, all i know is that all the dreams were not true...

My dear girl called to inform that she be back late...she started work today...

Need more rest as I still don't feel good... nite nite!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Three Timeless Secrets

We]... gain... wisdom from those who have lived a long time.Job 12:12

You can learn a lot from "those who have lived a long time." One elderly lady shares the following:
"One benefit of living so long is sharing what I've learned. So make my day by letting me share three secrets that can make your life better:

(1) Time is precious, don't waste it!
Do everything you can to live in harmony and show your love. Why? Because no matter how long you have together, it's never enough.

(2) You're making memories so make them good ones!
Create memories - not regrets!

(3) It's not what happens, it's how you respond that counts!
Every day holds new challenges that'll test your love and resolve. You have the power through Christ to make each test an occasion for growth. Life's full of seemingly unpleasant events. Try to handle them in such a waythat when you're old you'll look back and say, 'I thank You God for that experience; it helped me grow.'"
This is Pepper, he is 3 1/2 years old....
PEPPER Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005


We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married andhave kids. Then we become frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If notnow....when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.
Thought for the day: Work like you don't need money, love like you'venever been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go.. Some people becomefriends and stay a while...leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!!Yesterday is history. Tomorrow.... a mystery.Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!

Power of Prayer

Have you ever felt the urge to pray for someone and then just put it on a list and said, "I'll pray for them later?" Or has anyone ever called you and said, "I need you to pray for me, I have this need?" Read the following story that was sent to me and may it change the way that you think about prayer and also the way you pray.
A missionary on furlough told this story while visiting his home church in Michigan.
"While serving at a small field hospital in Africa, every two weeks, I traveled by bicycle through the jungle to a nearby city for supplies, and then began my two-day journey back to the field hospital. Upon arrival in the city, I observed two men fighting, one of them of whom had been seriously injured. I treated him for his injuries and at the same time talked to him about the Lord Jesus Christ. I then traveled two days, camping overnight, and arrived home without incident.
Two weeks later I repeated my journey. Upon arriving in the city, I was approached by the young man I had treated. He told me that he had known I carried money and medicines. He said, "Some friends and I followed you into the jungle, knowing you would camp overnight. We planned to kill you and take you money and drugs. But just as we were about to move into your camp, we saw that you were surrounded by 26 armed guards."
At this I laughed and said that I was certainly all alone out in that jungle campsite. The young man pressed the point, however, and said, "No sir, I was not the only person to see the guards. My five friends also saw them, and we all counted them. It was because of those guards that we left you alone." At this point in the sermon, one of the men in the congregation jumped to his feet and interrupted the missionary and asked if he could tell him the exact day that this happened.
The missionary told the congregation the date, and the man who interrupted told him this story: "On the night of your incident in Africa, it was morning here and I was preparing to go play golf. I was about to putt when I felt the urge to pray for you. In fact, the urging of the Lord was so strong, I called men in this church to meet with me here in the sanctuary to pray for you. Would all of those men who met with me on that day stand up?" The men who had met together to pray that day stood up. The missionary wasn't concerned with who they were - he was too busy counting how many men he saw. There were 26.
This story is an incredible example of how the Spirit of the Lord moves in mysterious ways. If you ever hear such prodding, go along with it. Nothing is ever hurt by prayer except the gates of hell.
Prayer is a powerful way of getting things done in the unseen realm, so don’t feel as if your prayers are in vain. Remember you can move mountains with prayer.

Be Alert

God Grant me
Serenity To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage To change the things I can, and
Wisdom To know the difference

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

start from today

wow...just try to do something new for myself...going to work be continue...