Friday, June 27, 2008

How great is our God

Everylasting (John 3:16)

my papa 18

Papa was admitted to NUH on 20/6/08 evening, he cough out blood in the afternoon about 4 pm, we were all panic, at the end , he himself said want to be in the hospital...

Dr Yeo examined him, his condition was not good, from the x ray, shown that the tumor is growing and he has difficulty in breathing, he has to breathe with the help of oxygen, but the doctor says oxygen is not his life saver... he was anxious and worry too... he cannot let go, he worry about me... I wrote him a note, to assure him that I will be alright, tell him my gratitude and love that he gave me ....

I encountered many problem at home with Peter, he wanted to lock Sharon and me out, he wanted to change the pad lock, at this critical moment, why can't he show a bit of compassion?
I pray to God asking for mercy on us! and God heard my prayer, he left the house on Monday to BL, at the same times he wrote me another nasty note, I offer it up to God, let God handle... again, God show me the truth...on Tuesday 24/6/08, he changes his attitude, he sent me a SMS..BOI..I LUV U..PS... I reply him .. I love you too... from there on he sort of quiet down and do not disturb me too much, as usual, he will call me everyday to check where am I, now I force to tell lie, even if I am in hospital, I will tell him I am at somewhere else just to avoid nasty remark from him again... today, Friday, I have fear again, fear that he will give me trouble not allow me to visit my papa in the evening, so I make a call to inform him that I will be going to visit my papa , Praise the Lord! he told me go ahead.. don't worry!.. God Our Father, I thank you for showing him the light, hope that this light will shine..Thank you God!

Back to my papa, it is another struggle with the siblings, the doctor suggest that we transfer him to hospices because of the care concern, but my siblings think that it will be better to bring him home and take care by ourselves, the problem is that we do not have the knowledge to take care of him, furthermore, he is now on tube feeding, everybody think that just pour the milk in the tube, but it is not that way, and mom is as old as papa, only one year younger, she is now just leave it, someone has to go hospital and learn how to feed him by tube and others...

God our Father, we need you, come and help us, help my siblings to understand each other and to live peacefully and do not make my papa worry...i ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord! Amen

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Trusting God In The Dark (1)

If the Lord is with us, why has... this happened?
Judges 6:13

One hundred years ago Germany's exclusive textile mills had special rooms dedicated to spinning the world's finest lace. Each room was dark, except for the light falling from a small window onto the weaver's work. That's because lace is more beautiful when the weaver is in darkness and his work is in the light. Usually God's purposes are revealed and His power displayed, in our darkest experiences when, like Gideon, you ask, "If the Lord is with [me], why has… this happened?" (Judges 6:13 ).
When there seems to be no rhyme or reason, God's promise is, "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord… who [calls] you by name" (Isaiah 45:3 ).
Anybody can be faithful in good times, but standing "by night in the house of the Lord" (Psalm 134:1) takes real commitment. Hymn writer George Matheson wrote: "Will I remain in God's house by night… love Him in His own night… know I desire not the gift but the Giver? When I can stand in His house by night, I have accepted Him for Himself alone." When the Israelites faced their greatest challenge, the Red Sea, the Bible says, "All that night the Lord drove the sea back" (Exodus 14:21 ). Be encouraged, God is working, even though you can't see Him.
After all, how can God give us "songs in the night" (Job 35:10) if the sun always shines? Jesus said, "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight" (Matthew 10:27 NIV). It's in life's dark places that God shares things which strengthen you, and encourage those around you.

You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will.
John 13:7

Mary and Martha were upset that Jesus didn't come until their brother Lazarus was dead. "Lord… if you had been here, my brother would not have died" (Jn 11:21 & 32 ). But instead of giving them reasons, Jesus replied, "Did I not tell you… if you believed, you would see [God glorified in this?]" (John 11:40 ). When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac he didn't understand, but later he witnessed God's faithfulness when Isaac was restored to him. Moses didn't understand why he had to spend 40 years in the wilderness, but later when God called him to lead Israel to freedom, he got it. Joseph didn't know why his brothers mistreated him or why he was imprisoned unfairly, but later he saw God's hand in everything. His father questioned why Joseph had been taken away from him, but later, looking into the face of the man who had been made governor and who'd saved the lives of the nation, God's purposes became clear.
Just like your children don't always think your decisions make sense, we don't understand God's ways. That's why Jesus said to Mary and Martha, "You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will" (John 13:7 ). God doesn't expect you to understand, but He does expect you to trust Him. In spite of his boils, bankruptcy and bereavement Job said: "When He has tested me, I will come forth" (Job 23:10 ).
Is God testing you? If He is, what are you learning? Is the experience making you bitter, or making you better by causing you to draw closer to Him?

Discover What's Within You!

This treasure... is from God.
2 Corinthians 4:7

Do you know you have treasure within you? God put it there. It's in your unique qualities, plus the fire in your soul. Life may have thrown cold water on that fire but God can rekindle it. Note, this treasure within you "is from God" (2 Corinthians 4:7). And what He owns He protects, He nurtures, and will use to His glory. But God is a wise businessman; when He invests He expects a return!
It's said that the wealthiest spot on this planet is not the oilfields of Kuwait or the diamond mines of South Africa. No, the richest deposits lie in your local cemetery. Buried beneath those sacred grounds are dreams that never came to pass, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, ideas that were never shared, inventions that were never designed, plans that never got beyond the drawing board of the mind, and purposes that were never fulfilled. Only a tiny percentage of those who live on this planet will discover and fulfil their true potential. Do you want to be one of them? Ask yourself: "Who am I? Why did God put me here? How much potential do I have? How can I maximise my ability for His glory?" Within the answers to these questions lie the keys to a fulfilled life.
If you haven't found your life's purpose yet, talk to God. "Everything… finds its purpose in Him" (Colossians 1:16 ). Before you spoke your first word or took your first step, God had a plan for your life. You say, "But I have failed so badly." Maybe, but it's amazing what God can do with a broken life - when you give Him all the piece


Overcoming Procrastination!

Find out and do whatever the Lord wants you to.
Ephesians 5:17

To overcome procrastination you must:
(1) Take responsibility for your life. No matter how hard you wish, the tooth fairy isn't going to come while you're sleeping and replace failure with success. Great souls have 'wills', feeble souls have 'wishes'. You need to do something!
(2) Examine your excuses. An excuse puts the blame on something other than you, which means the solution is beyond your reach. Excuses are like exit signs on the road of progress; they take us off track. It's easier to move from failure to success, than from excuses to success. So examine your excuses and eliminate them.
(3) Focus on the benefits of completing a task. To get you over the hump, focus on what you'll 'get out of it' when you get it done. Will it bring you benefit? Clear the way for something else you'd like to do? Be a milestone in your personal development or the completion of something bigger? Will it help to clear the decks for you emotionally? Admiral William Halsey said, "All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly and it pricks you, grasp it boldly and its spines crumble."
(4) Ask for help. Columbus didn't discover the New World on his own, he needed a crew. Speaking of the church, Paul writes, "Each part… helps the other parts grow" (Ephesians 4:16). There's infinite value in the assistance others can give you when it comes to breaking old habits and beginning new ones. Yes, it means taking a risk because you will be vulnerable in sharing your hopes and fears. But the risk is worth taking.

The Gift Of Repentance

I gave her time to repent.
Revelation 2:21

When God tells you to repent, He gives you time and grace to do it. If you don't, there are consequences. "I gave her time to repent, but she [would] not… Therefore… [she] will suffer greatly" (Revelation 2:21-22 ). This Scripture is an arrow to the heart of that stubborn sin you want to keep holding on to. Sin is always a choice. If you choose to keep sinning you can reach a place where your ability to say "no" is so weakened, you become enslaved to what you've chosen. As long as you prefer the rewards your sin brings, you won't seek deliverance from it.

The Greek word for repentance is metanoia. It means "to change, to turn around and go the other way". One counsellor writes, "I kept trying not to commit a particular sin, praying about it over and over, only to do it again. Finally I got mad at God and cried out, 'Why don't You help me with this?' He answered, 'Because you aren't disgusted with it yet. You're still enjoying it.' I protested, 'I do not. I hate it.' God replied, 'If you hated it enough you'd quit it.' In that moment I realised that I enjoyed the rewards of my sin more than the rewards of obedience. I also discovered something else; I couldn't hate sin enough by the power of my own fleshly will to come to true repentance. I stood helpless in corruption. Repentance is a gift of love which comes from God. And until that love is allowed to work in us, touching and exposing those carefully guarded areas, we cannot change."

So today ask God for the gift of repentance.