Thursday, May 19, 2005

Only A Mum

Mary treasured up all these her heart. Luke 2:19

Max Lucado writes:

"Some things only a mum can do...
like powdering a baby's bottom with one hand while holding the phone with the other...
spend the day wiping noses, laundering socks, balancing acheque book, and still mean it when she thanks God for her kids.

"Some things only a mum can the cabinet door her husband couldn't, and his bruised ego when he found out she could!

Broken shoelaces... broken hearts...breaking up with your sweetheart.

"Some things only a mum can how long it takes to drive from piano lessons to soccer practice...

how many pizzas you need for asleep over...the number of days left in a term.

"The rest of us can only wonder...'Mum, what was it like when that infant's cry first filled the room?

Or the day the bus pulled to a stop, you placed a kiss on a five-year-old's cheek, waved goodbye and then saw the tricycle - silent and still?

How did you feel?

Did you cry?

Did you smile?

'"The Bible says,

"Mary treasured up all these her heart,"

because there are some things only a Mum understands.

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