Thursday, April 28, 2005

Five Keys To Good Relationships

Don't think only about your own affairs... be interested in others.
Philippians 2:4

It's too easy to "think only about your own affairs." But God says, "Be interested in others."

Here are five ways to do that:

(1) Give them a push! Barnabas became known as a great encourager because he "encouraged the believers" ( Acts 11:23 NLT). What happens when you push a child on a swing? Eventually they start doing it themselves. They just needed a little help to get going. Even a smile can work wonders. Job said, "When they were discouraged, I smiled... My look of approval was precious to them" ( Job 29:24 NLT).

(2) Honour your word! The Bible says, "In the last shall be...truce-breakers" ( 2 Timothy 3:1-3). But you don't have to fulfilthat prophecy! If you say you'll do it, do it! Character is measured by action not words, so be someone whose word has meaning.

(3) Hold your tongue! Always say less than you think. Remember, "A fool utters all his mind...a wise man keeps it in" ( Proverbs 29:11). And since how you speak is as important as what you say, always be kind and courteous.

(4) Be cheerful! Solomon said, "A cheerful heart brings a smile...a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day" ( Proverbs 15:13 TM). Don't dump your problems and disappointments on others; take them to God in prayer.

(5) Show genuine interest! The Bible says, "Laugh...when they're happy;share tears when they're down" ( Romans 12:15-16 TM). But you can only do that by taking the time to find out what's going on in their world

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