Sunday, October 08, 2006

Some Observations On "Tact"

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable.
Proverbs 15:2

Did you hear about the husband who was totally clueless? The day his wife left on a business trip their dog died. That night she called home and he blurted out, "Your dog's dead! " Scolding him for being insensitive she said, "You should've broken it to me gently. You could have said, 'The dog's on the roof.' Then next day added, 'He fell off. 'The following day you could've said, 'He's at the vet.' And the day after that you could have told me he died. " While her husband paused to consider this she asked, "By the way, how's my mother?" Cautiously he replied, "Well dear... she's on the roof!
One dictionary definition of tact is: skill in situations where people's feelings need to be considered... an intuitive sense of what's right or appropriate. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, tact is not about being deceptive or insincere. It's about being considerate and not hurting others unnecessarily.
Chuck Swindoll writes: "I used to sell shoes years ago... [and] a seasoned employee told me never to say, 'Lady, your foot's too big for this shoe! ' Instead I should say, 'I'm sorry, ma'am, but this shoe's just a little too small for your foot.' Both expressed the facts, but one was an insult... the other a tactful compliment.
"So, in sensitive situations engage your brain before opening your mouth.
Remember, "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing," and "makes knowledge acceptable."
Or as the advertising jingle for a popular antiseptic ointment goes, "Stop the hurting and start the healing."
Make that your goal today.

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