Saturday, September 09, 2006

Make Prayer A Habit (2)

He did what was right... but not whole heartedly.
2 Chronicles 25:2

When you pray, "Make me a better person," what specific areas would you like God to work on?
Are you honest in your financial dealings - do you give God a tithe of your income?
Do you put yourself in sexually inappropriate situations?
Do you tell the truth even when it costs you?
Are you spending enough time with your family?
Do you find it easy to say, "I was wrong, I'm genuinely sorry," or do you make excuses?
Have you formed habits that are detrimental to your health, your job, or your walk with Christ?
We will travel half way around the world for a personal "word," yet we won't spend an hour with God, or deal with our doubt, anger and selfishness. Yet that's what separates us from Him. In God's presence things that never bothered you before begin to bother you now.
Things like words; words that wound others, exalt self and contradict God.
Sometimes God withdraws His discernable presence to make us reach for Him harder. Seeking God is what keeps our hearts tender. Without realising it we become set in our methods of ministry, set in our ideas about prayer, and set in our attitudes toward others. We take a past experience we've had with God, reduce it to a formula and feel like we don't need to seek Him afresh. You can be seemingly doing all the right things, yet your love has grown cold.Ponder these words: "He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not whole heartedly" (2 Chronicles 25:2 ).

There it is - your wholeheart! Does God have it?

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