Friday, February 19, 2016

Lenten Moments of Mercy: Friday of the First Week of Lent

Friday of the First Week of Lent


During Lent, let us fast from the things that fill the heart with bitterness.


“If you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.”
Matthew 5:22


When St. Thomas Aquinas was a young Dominican student he was so quiet and seemingly naïve that his classmates called him “the dumb ox.” One day a group of students at the window called to Thomas, telling him to come and see a cart and a horse flying down the road. When Thomas came to look, they laughed that he would be so foolish to believe them. Thomas responded saying he would sooner believe that a cart and horse could fly than a Dominican could lie. The Dominicans learned soon enough that the quiet “dumb ox” would bellow loud enough that the world would hear his voice.

The behavior of Thomas’s classmates in stereotyping, insulting, and ridiculing him reflects behaviors that are all too common in families, neighborhoods, and parishes. Pope Francis reminds us that words can kill. Speaking ill of others, slandering them, and especially, spreading gossip are at the root of separation and alienation within families. It may begin with remarks that may be easily dismissed—“I was just kidding”—but in the end it fills the heart with bitterness and poisons relationships. Gossip is most serious as it can kill the reputation of a person.

A wonderful Lenten practice would be to make a daily decision not to make disparaging remarks towards others, not to share a scandalous story, and to give one another the benefit of the doubt. These can be moments that take us on the path of holiness.

Pope Francis

“Jesus offers the perfection of love to those who follow him: love is the only measure that has no measure, to move past judgements.”
Angelus, 16 February 2014

Lenten Action

► Make a commitment not to read or watch the gossip shows and websites for the season of Lent.
► Be inspired by Living Lent Daily.


Give us the courage, O Lord, to turn away from the temptation to gossip or disparage others so that we all may live in peace.

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