Friday, June 10, 2005


I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step.
1 Corinthians 9:26

To become the person God intends you to be, you'll need commitment.



(1) Commitment can change your life!
Frederic F. Flach writes: "Most people can look back and identify a time and place at which their lives changed significantly. Whether by accident or design, these are the moments when because of a readiness within us and a collaboration of events around us, we are forced to seriously reappraise ourselves and the conditions under which we live, and to make choices that will affect the rest of our lives."

(2) Your commitment will be tested - daily.
Too many of us see commitment as an event, like saying, "I do" in a wedding ceremony or shaking hands to close a business deal. In January we buy a treadmill to get in shape, by February we quit because it calls for too much discipline. Any time you make a commitment to something, you'll betested - daily.

(3) Commitment helps you overcome life's obstacles.
Maltbie Babcock said, "One of the most common mistakes and one of the most costly, is thinking that success is due to some genius, some magic something or other which we do not possess. No, success is generally due to holding on, and unwillingness to let go. You 'decide' to learn a language, study music, take a course in reading, train yourself physically, etc. Will it be a success or failure? That depends upon how much pluck and perseverance that word 'decide' contains. It's the decision that nothing will over rule and the grip that nothing can break that bring success."

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