Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why Keep The Ten Commandments

God has come to test you.
Exodus 20:20

We don't hear much about the Ten Commandments these days. They've become more like "the ten suggestions" for some.
Why is this?
Because like children, we want to do what we want to do.
Ever watch a child learning to walk? She totters this way, then the other way, weaving like a miniature adult who's had too much to drink. But consider for a moment where that little girl would be with no adults around; if no doors, gates or fences contained her wobbly steps. She might stagger into the neighbour's yard where the rottweiler has just broken loose, or fall into a drainage ditch and be swept away by the current washing down the gutter. It's vital that she have boundaries. In fact, most children, as well as adults, feel more secure in knowing their boundaries than in having unrestricted freedom. The Ten Commandments serve this purpose. God knows our tendencies like a protective parent knows how to keep a toddler from wandering into dangerous places.
Although delivered to the ancient Israelites for their guidance, these commandments remain valid life instructions for us as His modern day children. Instead of seeing them as a list of "Thou shalt nots" we should see them in terms of protection, guidance, and relationship with Him. After Moses had delivered the Ten Commandments to the people he added "God has come to test you… to keep you from sinning." God desires to make us happy - and holy. And the two go together. Contentment and fulfillment can only be achieved when we walk straight along the path the Lord has set before us.

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