Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Guarding, Girding, Guiding

If anyone does not provide for...his...family, he...is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8 1

Parent, you've got three major responsibilities:
(1) Guarding your children: apart from safe guarding them Spiritually (television, the Internet, paedophiles, and peer groups), you need to look out for their total well-being. If they're struggling in school, you go and talk to their teachers. If a stranger comes to the door, you answer it. If you hear a noise during the night, you get up. This calls for being sensitive to their needs and sacrificing yourself for them.
(2) Girding(surrounding/strengthening) them: Paul says if you don't provide for your family you're "worse than an unbeliever." You need to provide them with food, shelter and clothing, as well as making sure your spouse has what he/she needs to do the job. Make your family feel secure by letting them know you're there for them.
(3) Guiding them: Solomon writes, "Train up a child in the way he should go" ( Proverbs 22:6). Lead your children into a greater understanding of God. Equip them for the future by teaching them to honour and love Him, His Word and His church. And involve them in your long-term planning. They won't have hope if you don't have a plan for something better in the future. For example, if you're struggling financially, tell them where you plan to be in 12months, in five years, and by the time they reach varsity age.

Guarding...girding...guiding...make that your motto. And one more thing, ask God to do the same for you, as you work to honour Him in the life of your family. Come on, parent, get serious about it!

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