Thursday, April 27, 2006

You Need Discernment!

Don't believe everything you hear...weigh and examine what people tell you.
1 John 4:1

With so many weird doctrinal fads floating around, John warns,
"Don'tbelieve everything you hear...weigh and examine what people tell you."

That requires discernment! When God told Solomon He'd grant him anything he desired, Solomon asked for "a discerning distinguish...right and wrong" ( 1 Kings 3:9 ). That's how important discernment is.

Chuck Swindoll says discernment "acts as an umpire...blows the whistle on the spurious ...doesn't fall for fakes...flirt with with deceivers...or kiss counterfeits goodnight. A Christian without discernment is like a loaded 747 trying to land in dense fog without instruments or radios. Lots of noise, a great deal of power, and good intentions... until." That about sums it up! Discernment is a hallmark of spiritual maturity. Paul says the only way to "take your stand against the devil's schemes" is with "the belt of truth (discernment)" fastened securely around you ( Ephesians 6:11-14 ).
So where do you find it?
(a) On your knees. Listen, " need wisdom...ask God, andit will be given to you" ( James 1:5 ). Imagine having God's inputbefore making life's important decisions. Well, you can have it.
(b) In the scriptures: Think you know it all? Think again! David says, "Your laws...make me much wiser...[give] me better understanding...instead of following a way that leads to trouble" ( Psalm 119:98-101 ).
(c) By hanging out with discerning people: Remember, "Wise friends make you hurt yourself by going around with fools" ( Proverbs 13:20). Since you become like the company you keep, pick your friends carefully!

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