Sunday, April 09, 2006

Slow Down, You'll Last Longer!!

The Lord is faithful, who will...guard you from...evil.
2 Thessalonians 3:3

A farmer and his son were travelling to the city to sell their produce.The dad relaxed while his son goaded the ox to go faster. When they passed a friend's house the older man insisted they stop and visit. Later, back on the road, he took the slow, scenic route. At dusk he stopped for the night. Frustrated and angry his son said, "You're more interested in sunsets and flowers than making money!" "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," replied his father. Next morning as they travelled, a blinding flash split the clouds, followed by a low rumble, then the sky grew black. "If we'd hurried we'd have missed this storm," grumbled the boy.
"Slow down, son, you'll last longer," his dad replied.
By late afternoon they reached a hill overlooking the city. After staring down at it for what seemed like an eternity, the boy finally turned and said, "I see what you mean, Dad. " Slowly they turned around and rolled away from what remained of the city of - Hiroshima!

The Bible says, "The Lord is faithful, who will...guard you from...evil." You don't know what you're being protected from, but God does.

The Bible says, "He...saves your life" every day ( Psalm 103:4). Your "steps [and stops]...are directed by" Him ( Psalm 37:23). He knows what's round the next corner. That irritating traffic jam, that unexpected phone call were all part of His plan for you. So learn to trust Him more, complain less, worry less, and rush less! Okay?

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