Sunday, March 12, 2006

Your Worth Comes From God

I will build you up again.
Jeremiah 31:4

Adam had a relationship with God before he had one with Eve. That'simportant. Why? Because nobody but God can tell you who you really are,or what you're worth! Until you understand that, you'll keep looking for someone to love you so much that you'll finally start feeling good about yourself. The trouble is, when you find that person you'll cling to them like a vine. You'll agree with all their opinions and have none of your own. You'll try to meet their every need. And you'll feel threatened if they can do (or enjoy) anything without you. You'll say, "All I need isyou, how come you don't feel the same way about me." No relationship can sustain such a load.

Adam learned to relate to Eve - only after he learned to relate to God. It's in God's presence, free from the opinions of others, that you begin to look at yourself in the right mirror. It's here that you prepare the gift to be given. But something has changed. Now you know how much you're worth and you'll only give yourself to someone who places the same value on you.

God has always wanted the best for you; He's just waiting for you to come into agreement with Him.You who have been abused, abandoned, betrayed, or feel like you never measure up, listen to these words. They're from a God whose opinion of you never changes:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. I will build you up again" ( Jeremiah31:3-4 ).

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