Sunday, March 05, 2006

Don't Be Afraid Of Change

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
Psalm 23:6

You'll miss what God is planning for you next if you cling to the past and yearn for yesterday. If you've lost a loved one you know how this feels. Death wrenches from us those we'd cling to forever. But we can't, for death is a part of life; we make peace with it only when we realise it's the door which enables us to move from a lesser to a greater realm. That's why Paul wrote, "I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far" ( Philippians 1:23 ).

Don't try to live your life a second time through your children. Keep your mind fresh by having expectations that go beyond the goals you have for them. Don't try to cling to a relationship that has changed because you "need to be needed." When Samuel was born his mother said, "I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life" ( 1 Samuel 1:11). It's easier to give them back when you realise they were not yours to keep. Be grateful for the gift of children or the satisfaction of a job welldone; then ask, "What's next?"

If you recognise areas where you've been guilty of resisting change, allow God to heal you from fear. Something good is going to come out of it. God doesn't change - but His methods of caring for you will constantly change. He may not bring you the same way twice, but -goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life - what more could you ask for?

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