Monday, November 21, 2005

Who Tells You The Truth?

In the end people appreciate frankness more than flattery.
Proverbs 28:23

Having less information doesn't make you a lesser person. Life's aschool and every new acquaintance a teacher. Whatever others know, they haven't always known it. The greatest indictment against not knowing is not learning, so seize every opportunity. But make sure you pick the right people, those who've earned the right to come along side. When appropriate, they ask the hard questions, bring perspective and keep youon track. When God sends such people, here are four principles that will help you to treat them correctly:

(1) Show appreciation. An attitude of "I don't expect it so I don't give it" will hurt you and close doors to your future. Never take others for granted and never forget to say thank you.

(2) Carry your own weight. Don't be self-serving and opportunistic.Always look for ways to make your presence an asset, not a liability. Life owes you nothing except an opportunity to grow.

(3) Be open and direct about what you want. Rambling speeches and ulterior motives assume that the other person is somehow less intelligent than you. That can be fatal.

(4) Understand the boundaries. Because others know somebody well enough to call him or her by their first name doesn't mean you should. If somebody says, "Hello, my name is Charles," don't reply with "What's up Charlie!" Show respect. Don't try to change the protocol to suit the environment you're used to. Observe boundaries, respect others and you'll always have people in your life who can help get you to where you need to go.

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