Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Recipe---Satay Bee Hoon

Rainbow Satay Powder 200g
Rice Vermicelli (Bee Hoon) 1 pkt 400g
Cuttlefish (cut into strips)
Bean Curd puffs (cut into pieces)
Kang Kong (Optional)
Lean Meat
Bean Sports
Coconut Milk 3 cups

1) heat oil in wok, stir fry satay powder and add in coconut milk, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer till sauce is thickened, stir in hot water if sauce is too tick, set aside.
2) Soak rice vermicelli (bee hoon) in water till softened. Drain. Blanch rice vermicelli (bee hoon), cuttlefish, meat, prawn, bean sprout, bean curd puffs and kang kong in boiling water. Remove and drain.
3) Transfer rice vermicelli (bee hoon) to serving dish. Pour hot Satay sauce over rice vermicelli (bee hoon). Garnish with cuttlefish, bean sprout, bean curd puffs, meat, prawn, kang kong, cockles and serve.

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