Monday, March 21, 2016

Lenten Moments of Mercy: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion


As we walk with Jesus during Holy Week,
may we also walk with those who are in need.


“But you, O LORD, do not be far away!
       O my help, come quickly to my aid!”
Psalm 22:19


Wilhelm Morgner, “Entry of Christ into Jerusalem,” 1912We are entering into the most sacred week of the liturgical year during which we celebrate Jesus’ final days. The journey begins with shouts of praise as Jesus enters Jerusalem and is welcomed by exultant crowds. This only serves to heighten the tension between Jesus and his critics, who work all the harder to bring him down.

As he goes through the week, Jesus teaches in the temple arena, he scatters the money lenders, and he challenges the religious authorities. Jesus has long known what would be the result of his mission, but he faces his critics with courage. This is the culminating path of his journey in mercy.

At the beginning of the week, Jesus seems to have all the friends that he needs. But as the week goes on, the crowds become silent, his disciples become more nervous, and Judas plots with the leaders in the temple to betray him. By the end of the week, Jesus will find few companions on this road of mercy as he prepares to die on our behalf.

Not one of us will end this journey of life without suffering, pain, and death. And there are those in our lives who daily suffer the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of disabilities, loss of motor function, or psychological loneliness. These conditions do not have an easy fix; there is no magic pill that will cure all. With their ongoing issues, it can be easy for us to be impatient with them, not to call them, or not to send a note to indicate that we are willing companions on their way of the cross. Because we fear being inconvenienced, we distance ourselves through indifference rather than accompanying them with mercy in the midst of their suffering.

This week we will accompany Jesus on his journey of mercy. By taking a more active participation with those in our lives who are in need, we will grow in the grace of mercy won for us by Jesus this Holy Week.

Image: Wilhelm Morgner, Entry of Christ into Jerusalem

Pope Francis

“Living Holy Week, following Jesus not only with the emotion of the heart; living Holy Week, following Jesus means learning to come out of ourselves . . . in order to go to meet others, to go towards the outskirts of existence, to be the first to take a step towards our brothers and our sisters, especially those who are the most distant, those who are forgotten, those who are most in need of understanding, comfort, and help.”
General Audience, 27 March 2013

Lenten Action

► Make a commitment to set aside specific time for prayer each day this Holy Week.
► Reflect on this Sunday’s Gospel with Arts & Faith: Lent and the Sunday Connection.
► Learn more about Holy Week with articles, videos, and prayers.


Lord Jesus, as you humbled yourself for our sake, help me to walk in humility and truth with my family and neighbors.

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