Friday, May 10, 2013



“Do you believe that this is the end of days?” That was the question a friend wrote me a few days ago. It is a question that I have gotten a lot of times over the years. With all the wars, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, and nuclear meltdowns we are facing these days, it is easy to understand why people would wonder and ask as well.

The truth is no one knows when the last days of this world will be. No one knows when their own last day will be either. All that we can do is to live each day we have here to the fullest with love, kindness, goodness, joy, and oneness with God.

This is why I start each day by saying, “Good morning God, thank you for my life!” This is why I watch every sunrise and sunset I can. This is why I stop to smell the flowers and listen to the birds sing every Spring. This is why I hug my grown up children every day and tell them that I love them. This is why I always take the time to bend down and pet a dog or cat. This is why I lend a hand to a neighbor who needs my help. This is why I share a smile and a friendly wave with the people I pass on life’s road. This is why I do what I can to house the homeless, feed the hungry, and care for the sick. This is why I write my simple words and share them with the world. I want to do all I can to show others that they can choose life, share love, and spread joy. I want to show them that every day is precious, that every act of kindness is priceless, and that everyone of them is a powerful person who can make this world a better place.

None of us knows when this world will end. None of us knows when our own lives here will end. What we do know is that we can love today. We can learn today. We can laugh today. We can help each other today. We can bring a little Heaven to Earth today. Live today then and when the end does come you will be able to face God with a loving and happy heart.

By Joseph J. Mazzella

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