Thursday, February 07, 2008

Scriptural Keys To Success In Life 4

Do everything written in it. Then you will be... successful.
Joshua 1:8

Have you ever wondered why God refers to His word as "laws"?
Because laws are meant to govern, guide, and guard us.
Without order, all you have is chaos and confusion. Imagine living in a world where seven days no longer makes one week, 2 + 2 does not make 4.
God established His laws for your good. When you disobey them you suffer, when you honour them you succeed.
Furthermore, His laws are not an a la carte menu; you can't pick what you like and leave the rest.

At the beginning of Joshua's career God gave him some foundational advice about His law: "Do everything written in it. Then you will be… successful."
If you want to be successful in life, talk about, think regularly about, and live your life according to God's laws.
Because ultimately your character is more important than your career.
Your career is what you do, your character is what you are!
Many people with talent make it into the limelight, but the ones who have neglected to develop strong character rarely stay there long. Absence of strong character eventually topples them.
Because you cannot climb beyond the limitations of your character!

John Maxwell writes: "Talented people are sometimes tempted to take shortcuts. Character prevents that.
Talented people may feel superior and expect special privileges. Character helps them to know better.
Talented people are praised for what others see them build. Character builds what's inside them. Talented people have the potential to be difference makers. Character makes the difference in them.
Talented people are a gift to the world. Character protects that gift."

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