Saturday, November 17, 2007

Focus on your strengths

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.
Romans 12:6

Work where you're strongest 80% of the time.
Work where you're learning 15% of the time.
Work where you're weakest 5% of the time.
Is that wise?
"God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well."
What happens to a team when its members play 'out of position?'
First, morale weakens because the team isn't playing up to its capacity.
Those working in an area of weakness resent that their skills are untapped.
Soon they become unwilling to work as a team, everyone's confidence erodes and the situation gets worse.
Then the competition takes advantage of their weaknesses, and they never win. When people aren't doing what they're supposed to do, things don't run well.
Do you know what your greatest strengths are?
If not, follow these guidelines:
(1) Be secure: If you allow your insecurities to get the better of you, you'll become inflexible and resistant to change. And if you don't change you won't grow!
(2) Get to know yourself: Spend time exploring your gifts.
Ask for feedback. Acknowledge your blind spots.
(3) Trust your leader:
If you can't, look for one you can trust, or get on another team.
(4) See the big picture:
Your place on any team only makes sense in the context of the big picture. If your only reason for finding your niche is personal gain, your wrong motives will rob you of the very joy, fulfilment and success you desire.
(5) Rely on your experience:
There's only one way to know you've discovered your niche.
Try things.
Take risks.
Learn from your failures and your successes.
Discover what God made you for!

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