Monday, January 01, 2007

Growth - Don't Rush It!

They go from strength to strength.
Psalm 84:7

Child development experts have identified a problem called "hurried child syndrome." It's the tendency of parents in our fast paced society to rush their children into adulthood. There are numerous reasons: they want their child to excel to the point of never giving them a chance to enjoy their childhood. Activities that are supposed to be fun become hotbeds of competition and pressure. Jam-packed schedules with no relaxed family time also contribute. Some parents want their children to hurry and grow up because they don't want to be bothered with the inconveniences. But you can't skip the stages of childhood and produce healthy adults.
Each stage is important.
The same is true of our Spiritual growth.
Spiritual birth, childhood, and adolescence are all necessary stages to our becoming mature. Although, unlike physical development, you can grow Spiritually as fast as you want to. But you have to work at it.
The first tree to go down in the storm is the one with shallow roots.
So don't get in a hurry. And don't covet something because it looks good in somebody else's life. God tailors His blessings to your size. If you try wearing a suit you haven't grown into, you look foolish. Speaking of leaders, Paul writes, "He must not be a new believer, lest the position go to his head and the Devil trip him up" (1 Timothy 3:6 ).
God will give you all the blessing and responsibility you can handle - but not one bit more. And He'll do it based on your stage of growth. So, enjoy where you are on your way to where you're going!

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