Monday, February 27, 2006

Who Are You Trying To Impress?

When you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites.
Matthew 6:5

Jesus said, "When you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners,so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full" ( Matthew 6:5 ). This was a case of prayer gone wrong because:
(1) their prayers had become a shallow exercise rather than a deep relationship-building one;
(2) their prayers were rituals, rather than authentic expressions of a loving heart;
(3) their prayers were long and wordy, designed to impress others;
(4) their prayers were filled with meaningless clichs;
(5) their prayers became a cause for pride rather than an opportunity to express humble reliance on God.

But Jesus didn't leave us to flounder.
He talked straight: "But you,when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will repay you" ( Matthew 6:6 ). If some of our children spoke to uslike we speak to God, we'd all laugh out loud. "O, great, most gracious and loving earthly parent, what is it that thou dost wish me to do?" No wonder people get turned off! If you want to learn how to pray listen to the prayers of infant believers. They're spontaneous. Personal. Honest.No gobble-de-gook. No impressive Christianease. They just let it all out. Surely such straight talk thrills the heart of God and brings the needed results!

Proverbs 22:6

Teach children how they should live,
and they will remember it all their life

Sunday, February 26, 2006

catch the smoke from Sharon's mouth

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For Sharon

I wish you simple joy that lasts,
love that won't end,
blessings to be shared,
courage to achieve your dreams,
and beautiful moments to remember.

From Mommy


When you are feeling stressed
and about to break down,
just remember:
is just
spelled backwards.
It's just a piece of cake!

Hold Me Tight Dear Lord

Take me by the hand, dear Lord,
When roads are washing out,
Provide me with protection,
And keep me from all rout,
When I'm getting real tired,
From struggling day and night, dear Lord,
When storms of life are raging,
And doubt reaches my way,
Remind me of your love, Lord,
To keep my fears at bay,
When all I see is failure,
And mountains hard to climb,
Just whisper in my ear, O Lord,
That you are still sublime,
This life may disapoint me,
So may people to,
Lord show me your faithfulness,
And keep me true to you,
When tears do fill my eyes, Lord,
And I'm seemingly blind,
Walk with me, precious Jesus,
And ease my tired mind,
Take me by the hand, Lord,
When roads are washing out,
Provide me with protection,
And keep me from all rout,
When I'm getting real tired,
From struggling day and night,
Hold me tight, dear Jesus,
Please be my guiding Light.

Let Go and Let God

Let go of all your worries,
Let God see you through;
Just turn it over to Him,
then they will be so few.
He's there just for the asking,
As we pray to Him each day;
To help us climb the mountains,
That might get in our way.
So when troubles fall upon us,
Get down upon your knees;
He'll lift your spirits upward,
If only you'll say,
"Please.""Help me, God, I need you now,
Don't ever go away;
Your precious Son, my Jesus,
His life for me did pay.
"So, today, I will let go,
And let God have it all;
Then tomorrow I'll look back,
And say,
"It seemed so small."

Loving The Unlovely

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4:8

Loving the unlovely - God did that for you! Just because someone is different from us doesn't mean we should dismiss them or consider them inferior. You don't want to be judged or dismissed because of your colour, culture or countenance - so don't do it to others!

Since God's Word is very clear about us not becoming like others in their sinful practices, we're tempted to conclude that somehow we're better than they are. That's a sin in itself. On the other hand, we fear that if we accept them we're endorsing their sin. No, the truth lies in remaining respectful and accepting others in the same way Jesus did. Whether it was racial differences (Samaritans), lifestyle differences(the woman at the well), or class differences (Nicodemus), Jesus managed to love people as they were, while inspiring them to a higher standard.

It's easy to say, "love the sinner while hating the sin," but living it out requires practice, patience, understanding, and reliance on our Heavenly Father's guidance. You can work alongside someone who's having an affair, while praying for them and not having one yourself. Remember,we ourselves were once sinners, now saved by the grace of God. Avoid the trap of self-righteousness and act with humility and grace when you encounter someone whose lifestyle makes you uncomfortable. Learn from them as much as possible. Allow them to dispel your preconceptions and stereotypes. Begin to see them not as a collection of demographic differences, but as people loved by God - people who need the same grace you received!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Movie- I am not stupid too

I went to watch movie yesterday during lunch time," I am not stupid too". It cost me $6.50, there go my lunch...

It is quite educational, my tear drop towards the end of the show, it hit me very hard in certain part of the story. Very touching story. I wish my nephew DJ watches this movie. When I see the boy Tom, it remind me of him, what he did in his school... because both parents are working, do not have time for him and her sister....

Whatever the parents do, there is an encho effect to the children, have to be very careful about what we do, the children will pick up from there...

All of us have resources, but be careful,

Always give praise to others...

You are beautiful....
You are intelligence..
You are kind...
I love you...

Kind word never hurt!

Stay In Step With God (3)

I know the plans I have for you. Jeremiah 29:11

Nothing shocks God or catches Him off guard. He didn't panic when Adam sinned in the Garden. He didn't freak out when the world grew so sinful that He had to send a flood to cleanse and start it over again. Sodomand Gomorrah didn't make Him gasp. When Jonah ended up inside the whale God wasn't thrown. That's because God always has a plan. And He's got one for your life too. It's detailed, timely, well-oiled, perfectly orchestrated, and when you fully grasp it you'll be thrilled! The Bible says He has "plans to prosper...and not to harm give you hope and a future." But sometimes it's hard to see God's hand at work,especially when trouble's knocking on your door in the form of a diagnosis you dreaded, a runaway child, a partner who wants out of the marriage, or a financial set back you're not sure you'll survive.

When the crisis you're facing makes you want to throw in the towel, remember this: our problems become God's opportunities. He loves to transform our most costly mistakes into priceless gems of wisdom, our bruised and bleeding places into greater strength, and our deepest fears into unshakeable faith - once we start seeing them as part of His master plan! Today God wants to bring His purposes to pass in your life in ways that will astonish you. So stay in step with Him, keep trusting, and refuse to give place to discouragement no matter what - okay?

Stay In Step With God (2)

The vision is...for an appointed time. Habakkuk 2:3

Wait! You're getting ahead of God! When you do that you get into trouble. Visions are for "an appointed time", and you need to know when that is.

Often we don't pursue our dreams because we're afraid of failing; it's safer to nurse them in private instead of before those who might ridicule us. Chuck Swindoll says, "We're short of eagles and running over with parrots. Content to sit safely on our evangelical perches and repeat religious words, we're fast becoming overpopulated with bright-coloured birds having soft bellies, big beaks, and little heads.What would help would be more keen-eyed, wide winged creatures willingto soar...exploring the illimitable ranges of the Kingdom."

Listen: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed" ( Proverbs 16:3 ). God's the One who gives us courage, plus a safety net under the tightrope we're afraid to step out on. When we"make plans - counting on God to direct" us ( Proverbs 16:9 ), He strengthens us to do what we've never done before. He empowers us to get off square one! Remember, going out on a limb can be scary - but that's where the best fruit is.

Even though you think your dream is dead, Christ can revive it with aword. Remember Lazarus? Well, the Christ who returned him to his family alive and well is still in business! In fact, He may be waiting for you to make a move so He can work a miracle for you too. So, get up and get going!

Stay In Step With God (1)

I will answer your prayers...I have set a time.
Isaiah 49:8

Just like there's a rhythm to your physical life, there's one to your spiritual life. And God determines the beat. God has a plan, and a"set...time." Sometimes He moves suddenly. But usually He has to prepare you for the changes He has in mind. Often He'll start by loosening your grip on a career that provided security, a home you're invested in, a relationship you considered long-term. Then He gives you the passion to pursue fresh interests, and before long you're thinking, "Hold on. These dreams will never be fulfilled where I am sitting right now." Thus - the desire for change takes root

!Then comes the waiting. Why? Because it takes time for change to produce the maximum benefit.
During that time God:
(a) begins healing your pastso it can't pollute your future;
(b) expands your knowledge so you're better prepared;
(c) develops your character.
Even though God says,"When the time comes, I all this" ( Isaiah 60:22 ), we don't appreciate His timing until after the dust has settled. One thing, however, is certain.
When you allow God to work out His plan on His schedule, you get only His best. And remember, it's easier to know when to move if you stay in step with God and hear the beat. That sometimes means turning a deaf ear to the clamour of the outside world or the advice of well-intentioned friends. But the end results are always well worth it!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jesus Has The Answer

I am the way, the truth, and the life.
John 14:6

Why do we pretend we've all the answers when we know we don't? Who are we trying to impress?
When Paul wrote, "we know in part" ( 1 Corinthians13:9) he wasn't expressing doubt, he was just reflecting honestly. God stamps some things "will explain later."
Thomas may have arrived at the truth of the resurrection later than the others - but he got there nonetheless!

One Christian scholar writes: "I find air tight conclusions mainly in people who haven't been hurt much. They are usually people who have become tightly wired, rigid and isolated from the real world. They are...unwilling to be vulnerable. Then suddenly a divorce comes, or someone dies tragically, or they lose their job. Reality hits and astorm blows in that threatens their once tranquil existence. Their emotional explosion...results in more questions than answers. Suddenly they discover things they didn't really know. They are in the vortex of things they cannot solve. At that point simplistic solutions are replaced with realistic reflections and the deep things of God begin to emerge, eclipsing shallow answers.

That explains why Jesus didn't rebuke Thomas and say, 'Look in your notebook! We covered that in My discourse on The Mount of Olives.
No, Jesus said in effect, Thomas, your questions will be settled in Me.
I am the way and the truth and the life. For three days after His death the disciples grieved, haunted by fear, dogged by doubt. But, when Jesus appeared to them all that changed." And you know what? You'll find the answers in His presence when you won't find them anywhere else!

Reaching The Lost

This is the wonderful message He has given us to tell others.
2 Corinthians 5:19

Why don't we share our faith with others?
(1) We're not sure of it.
(2)We don't know how.
(3) We fear rejection.
Not one of these reasons will be acceptable when we stand before God. Paul writes, "[My] life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus - the work of telling others the Good News about God's mighty kindness and love" ( Acts 20:24 ).
You don't have to be eloquent -you just have to share the story!
What story?
Listen: "God was in Christ, restoring the world to Himself, no longer counting men's sins against them but blotting them out. This is the wonderful message He has given us to tell others" ( 2 Corinthians 5:19 )
Why would God leave us on earth with all its pain, sorrow and sin, after we accept Christ?
Why didn't He just take us to heaven? After all, we can worship, fellowship, pray, sing, hear God's Word, and even have fun in heaven.

In fact there are only two things we can't do in heaven that we can do on earth: sin and witness to unbelievers.
Take the pressure off yourself!
You don't have to convince or convert anybody; just share with them the answers you've found to the questions they're facing, and do it tactfully: "Be tactful with those who are not to them agreeably and with a flavour of wit, and try to fit your answers to the needs of each one" ( Colossians 4:5-6 ).

Just For Today!

This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Take a moment and ask yourself,
"Is this how I live?"
If not, make some changes!

Just for today, I'll enjoy each moment to the fullest and try not to tackle my whole life's problems at once.
Just for today, I'll try to improve my mind by learning more than I know; I'll read God's Word faithfully for it's my source of wisdom and strength. I'll be particularly sensitive to those Scriptures that require personal obedience, corrective action, and greater commitment.
Just for today, I'll be agreeable, try to look my best and make sure my words are"seasoned with grace."
Just for today, I won't find fault or try to change or improve anyone - except myself.
Just for today, I'll have a plan and a goal. I might not follow them exactly but I'll have them nonetheless. By doing that I'll save myself from two enemies - hurry and indecision!
Just for today, I'll develop my character. I'll do someone a good turn and keep it secret; if anyone finds out it won't count.
Just for today, I'll do something I don't naturally want to do, there by train my spirit to rule my flesh and my will to rule my emotions.
Just for today, I won't be afraid to love or to risk; I'll take steps of faith that stretch me beyond my present comfort level, try to enjoy all God's blessings, and believe that every seed I sow in His Kingdom will be multiplied back to me many times over.
This is how I'll live - just fortoday!

Trust God's Timing!

A grain of wheat...if it is buried...sprouts and reproduces...many times.
John 12:24

Wheat can't be planted and harvested in the same season. In order for it to "sprout and reproduce" the seed must be buried deep in the ground where nobody sees it. There it undergoes a complete transformation as it moves through the seasons, being nourished by the soil, the rain and the sun. Similarly, God's purposes for your life can't be rushed. You can only carry them, let them develop, and then harvest them whenever He says it's time. Gestation is part of every life cycle. The only difference here is, you don't know exactly how or when it'll come to life, but deep within you know it will.

When God plants a dream in your heart, He starts preparing you for its fulfilment. He strengthens your character. He deepens your spiritual roots. But because we don't understand His timing we grow frustrated and try to rush things. It may be weeks, months, or even years from when you first sense something stirring within you until the time you actually give birth to it.

Are you carrying a seed that can't be harvested right away? One that needs to be nurtured and processed before coming to fruition? If so,don't let it die by trying to bring it to birth prematurely. Instead, trust God's timing.

Remember, there's not one instance in scripture where He was ever late. In the meantime, work on preparing your heart.
By losing those attitudes and relationships that hinder the development of your seed and the harvest it will ultimately produce.

The Truth About Worship

God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24

(1) There is no exclusive style of worship. The worship style you feel comfortable with says far more about your cultural background and personal preferences than it does about your theology. True worship employs your right brain and your left brain. It engages both emotionand intellect, heart and mind. Jesus gave only two requirements for true worship: "in spirit and in truth."

(2) You don't need a building to worship God. Now there's nothing wrong with buildings, unless you glorify them instead of God. Note: "The Lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples built by hands" ( Acts17:24 ). No building, or the lack of one, should ever be allowed to control, limit or distract you from worshipping God. Jesus said, "Where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them" ( Matthew18:20 ).

(3) Worship is a powerful witness to others. More people are won to Christ by feeling God's presence than by all our theological arguments combined. Few people, if any, are converted to Christ on purely intellectual grounds. No, it's a sense of God's presence that melts hearts, and exposes and tears down mental barriers. In genuine worship God's presence is felt, God's pardon is offered, God's purposes are revealed, and God's power is displayed. When the spiritually hungry come to church and see us relate to God in heartfelt praise, it creates in them a desire to know Him too!

"I'm Loved By God!"

You are precious and honoured in My sight, and...I love you.
Isaiah 43:4

One of the most beautiful passages in Scripture is found in Isaiah,Chapter 43: "You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned...For I am the Lord, your are precious and honoured in My sight, and...Ilove you" ( Isaiah 43:1-4 ).
Write down that last phrase on a card and carry it with you: "You are precious and honoured in My sight...I love you.
" Wow! You are loved by God. Who else do you need to impress? What other ladder do you need to climb? What are you going to add to your resume that'll top that? Make your life an experiment of living in the love of God. Every morning when you wake up let your first words be "I'm loved by God."
And every night when you go to sleep let your last words echo, "I'm loved by God."
Write those words down on a card and carry them with you. When you're tempted to despair because you've blown it, take out the card and look at it. When you're overwhelmed by all you have to do, read it over and over to yourself. Take it out when you'retempted to sin, to dishonour God, to lash out in anger and hurt someone,or deceive someone, or use someone. When you're afraid, when you're anxious, when you're alone, remember and feast on the words that give life: "I'm loved by God."

Golden Anniversary

my godparents 50th Anniversary on 26/12/05 Posted by Picasa

francesca's shop

when we visited farmer market in LA on 19/12/05, come across this shop name "francesca's" which is my baptism name, I asked Sharon to take a photo, just for memory sake. Posted by Picasa


While we are in L A , Sharon and I saw the rainbow, which I hardly can see it in Singapore. While we are there, we saw at least 2 times. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
So N,
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.

John 3:16

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Forgetting And Reaching

Every experience you've had from the moment you were born until now has made you what you are today. The things that happened to you, both good and bad, determine how you'll act and react for the rest of your life. Jesus said, "A good man gives out good from the goodness stored in his heart; a bad man gives out evil, from his store of evil" ( Matthew 12:35). There are things stored up in each of us that must be dealt with before we can move ahead successfully.

Understand this: the only place the past can live is in your memory. The only power it has over you is the power you give it. So the word for you today is: "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."