Sunday, January 15, 2006

Led By God (4)

For it is God who works in you.
Philippians 2:13

You can't compartmentalise your life by saying, "In this category I'm going to do things my way, but in that category I'm going to be led by God.
" Every step you take must be synchronised with the beat of the Holy Spirit! Nothing is more important than keeping pace with Him. Listen:"God... works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose" (Philippians 2:13 ). God works through us as we engage our minds, open our mouths, move our feet and use our hands to do what He's already put into our hearts. The moment you say "yes" to God He gives you the ability to perform His will. Notice, He doesn't reveal His will to you first then call you next. No, He calls you, and as you move out and obey Him He reveals it to you step by step, empowering you as you go.

God is never content with the status quo! Never! Every day in countless ways He'll develop you into a greater likeness of His Son. You're not out for a stroll; you're going somewhere. Over and over again you'll be given experiences and be put into situations that'll mature you to the point where you have the same attitude, the same responses, and the same discernment as Jesus. When you begin to understand that, walking with God will take on a whole new meaning. You'll realise that your walk with Him is the only walk that will ever satisfy you or fulfil your purpose for being on this earth.

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