Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Six-Letter Word

I was taught a lesson that just six simple letters could make adifference.
Those six letters made the word - SILENT.
Those letters when rearranged also spell the word - LISTEN.
I never truly understood that until the day I stood silent andlearned there was more to life than everyday living.
When you don't take the time to listen and be silent then everything is easily taken for granted.
The things I wasn't silent for and listened for, I now miss the most.

A simple I love you from my children.
The request of a loved one that I was too busy for at the time.
Little did I know, that if I stayed quiet and savored things, I could have imprinted their voices in my mind and made memories that would have lasted.
The one thing I always will be thankful for is that I learned my lesson and heeded the call. But also that God truly is silent and listened for my every need, but in return if I'm silent,I can also hear from Him.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Learn To Relax

Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated... disturbed... and unsettled.
John 14:27

A well known Bible teacher says: "We can only walk in peace if we're willing to be adaptable and adjust to people and circumstances. When I lived in 'explode mode' it never failed that one of my children would spill something at the dinner table every night… and every night I had a fit. One night I was under the table because the milk had made it to the crack in the middle and was running down… The children were upset and somebody kicked me in the head, which made me even madder. I knew it was an accident… but somehow that didn't seem to matter… [Then] the Holy Spirit spoke to me - right under that table - and said: 'Once the milk's spilled, no matter how big a fit you throw you're not going to get it to run back up the table into the glass. You need to learn to go with the flow.'"
Jesus said, "[Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated… disturbed… and unsettled]." In other words, work on controlling your reactions. Stop losing your peace over every little thing that goes wrong in your life. When there's nothing you can do about the situation, learn to let it go and keep your joy. Ask God to help you get over life's little offences and irritations quickly, whether it's a glass of spilled milk or somebody who's hurt your feelings.
When you put as much energy into 'letting go' as you do into 'stewing and steaming' and trying to control every possible outcome, you'll find that God's peace "which is so great we cannot understand it" (Philippians 4:7 ) will start to fill your heart and your home

Monday, March 10, 2008

Make Your Money - His Servant!

Whoever loves money never has money enough.
Ecclesiastes 5:10

If your goal is to prosper in order to fulfil God's purposes, God will bless you. If it's just to be rich, you're on your own!

(1) Money will buy people, but not true friends. Christina Onassis, one of the richest women in the world, had to hire someone to play tennis with her and go to supper with her. She had so much money she couldn't spend it all, yet she lived an empty, lonely life. Yes, money will buy people, but not true friends. They'll be takers but not givers, and as soon as your money is gone they will be too.
(2) Money will buy books, but not brains. In his book The Seven Secrets, John Hagee writes: "A beautiful prayer tower was erected in the centre of Trinity University. Every day the chimes echoed across the campus. But that prayer tower had to be locked with an iron gate. Why? Because some students who could not achieve the academic dreams of their wealthy fathers climbed the stairs of the prayer tower to leap to their deaths." Yes, money will buy books, but not brains.
(3) Money will buy food, but not a healthy appetite. Ever thought of an empty plate as beautiful? An empty plate becomes beautiful when you have a sick loved one with a deadly disease. You prepare the finest foods only to watch them push it away, nauseated by the sight. Next time you see a dirty plate on your table, thank God for the food He has given you and the appetite to want it. Money can't buy that.
Bottom line: make Jesus Lord of your life, and make your money - His servant!

Keep Your Dream Alive

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20

When God gives you a dream, He places within you - or within reach - all the resources needed to fulfil it.
Do you have an unthinkable, scary, absolutely wild idea that won't let you sleep?
That's the way it is with dreams, especially when God's in them. They appear crazy (humanly speaking, they are crazy!). Placed alongside the triangle of logic, cost and timing, such dreams usually seem beyond our reach. They won't fly when you test them against the gravity of reality. And the strangest part is the more they are told "can't" the more they pulsate "can" and "will" and "must".
What's behind great accomplishments?
Inevitably, great people. But what is in those great people that makes them different?
It's certainly not their age or gender or heritage or talent or environment.
It's faith!
They are people who think and believe differently.
Are you dreaming about writing a book?
Don't wait for a publisher, start writing!
Are you wondering if all that work with the children is worth it? It is!
Want to go back to school and finish your degree? Do it.
Pay the price, even if it takes years!
Trying to master a skill that takes time, patience and energy (not to mention money)? Press on! Thinking about going into business? Why not? It's hard to find satisfaction halfway up someone else's corporate ladder.
Without a dream and the determination to fulfil it, life is reduced to bleak black and wimpy white - a diet too bland to get anybody out of bed in the morning. So go after the quest that fuels your fire. Keep your dream alive!

Building Strong Character

[It is] better to have self-control than to conquer a city.
Proverbs 16:32

First and foremost, building strong character requires self-discipline.
Self-discipline is the ability to do what's right, when you don't feel like it.
Plato asserted, "The first and best victory is to conquer self."
Yes, your greatest victories are internal ones.
Bobby Jones was winning golf tournaments by age 12. But he had a temper. His nickname was "club-thrower". An older gentleman called Grandpa Bart recognised Jones' talent and his character issues. He said, "Bobby, you're good enough to win, but you'll never win big until you control that temper of yours." Jones did master his temper, and went on to win his first US Open at 21. Grandpa Bart used to say, "Bobby was 14 when he mastered golf, but he was 21 when he mastered himself."
English theologian Henry Parry Liddon observed, "What we do on some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are; and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline."
If you're serious about building strong character, set higher standards for yourself and refuse to lower them.
Need a role model?
You won't find a better one than Jesus. He said, "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself" (Matthew 16:24 ).
Each day look for an opportunity to say 'no' to yourself in some small area.
Try it; you'll be surprised how hard it is. But the payoff will come when you need to say no to yourself in some big area of life.
Like saving for a rainy day, you'll have Spiritual strength to draw on when you need it.

God determined... the way to bring out His best in us.
1 Corinthians 2:7

Building strong character requires having a clear sense of purpose.
Paul writes: "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord… [for] appointing me to His service" (1 Timothy 1:12 ).
So, what do you see as your life's purpose?
You have only two options:
(a) Speculation. Dr Hugh Moorhead, a philosophy professor at North Western Illinois University, wrote to 250 of the best known philosophers, scientists, writers and intellectuals, asking them, "What is the meaning of life?" He then published their responses in a book. Some offered their best guesses, some admitted that they had just made up a purpose for life, and others were honest enough to say they were clueless. In fact, a number of famous intellectuals asked Professor Moorhead to write back and tell them if he discovered the purpose of life! Fortunately, there is an alternative to speculation about the meaning and purpose of life.
(b) Revelation. We can turn to what God has revealed about life in His Word. It is our Owner's Manual explaining why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future. It explains what no self-help or philosophy book could know. The Bible says, "God's wisdom… goes deep into the interior of his purposes… It's not the latest message, but more like the oldest - what God determined as the way to bring out his best in us" (1 Corinthians 2:7 ).
God is not just the starting point of your life, He is the source of it.
To discover His purpose for your life you must turn to God's Word, not the world's wisdom.
You must build your life on eternal truths, not "pop psychology", success, motivation, or inspirational stories.

The integrity of the upright guides them.
Proverbs 11:3

Building strong character requires having integrity.
The word integrity simply means "to integrate, to become one with".
It requires being consistent in your values, thoughts, and actions. Margaret Mead stated, "What people say, what people do, and what people say they do, are entirely different things." Amazingly, there are some who actually promote this inconsistency.
A popular fashion designer recently said: "The crux of a person's identity… resides in the trappings, not in the person himself… one needn't be well-read, so long as one surrounds himself with books… In short… one can seem to be what one wants to be."
The trouble is, while you may make an impression with "trappings", the real you always comes through! Impressions are like shadows - they disappear when a strong enough light is shone on them.
Integrity is the genuine article - the more you shine the light on it, the more of its details you can see.
Integrity shows that you truly are who you appear to be.
People of integrity always stand out.
Author Pat Williams tells of Gandhi's trip to England to speak before Parliament. The British Government had opposed India's independence and as a result Gandhi had often been threatened, arrested and jailed. Gandhi spoke eloquently and passionately for two hours, after which the packed hall gave him a standing ovation. Afterward, a reporter asked Gandhi's assistant how the statesman had been able to deliver such a speech without notes. "You don't understand Gandhi," he responded. "What he thinks is what he feels. What he feels is what he says. What he says is what he does. What Gandhi feels, thinks, says and does are all the same. So he doesn't need notes." Now, that's integrity!

The Rebekah Principle

Those who work hard will prosper.
Proverbs 13:4

Good leaders constantly observe the actions and attitudes of those around them. They're looking for someone they can trust; someone who sees the big picture yet doesn't miss the details. And when they find them they reward them! Don't wait for tomorrow, empty your best into today and watch what happens.
Rebekah did and she inherited the wealth of Abraham, became the bride of Isaac and the mother of a nation. What a payoff! When Abraham's assistant was sent to find a bride for Isaac, he asked God for a sign to confirm his choice. He said that the woman who would voluntarily offer him and his camels a drink of water would be the one. Do you have any idea how much water one thirsty camel can drink? Abraham's assistant was looking for someone who wanted to serve rather than be served: in a 'me first' world that's hard to find!
Notice Rebekah's qualifications. She was motivated and time conscious: "She… ran to the well." She was thorough: "[She] drew water for all his camels" (Genesis 24:20). That one act of kindness altered the rest of her life. She'd been to that well many times before and nothing unusual happened, but that day she found favour and her life changed for good. What if she'd missed her opportunity, or said, "That's not my responsibility?"
Whether you realise it or not your actions and attitudes are determining your future. So perform with excellence for someone is watching; someone God may use to help you get to the next level. Live by the Rebekah principle - always do more than is required of you, and do it gladly!